Undergraduate profiles

Name Profile information
Alex Simpson-Hayter Volunteering with the local community
Anouska Newhouse BA Philosophy 2024
Ben Barrett Talking about studying abroad
Carys Gwenllian Hind Volunteering with Societies into Schools
Christine Liu BA Communication and Media
Demetra Brady Work experience
Dr Luke Burns Teaching fellow and lecturer in Geographical Information Systems
Ellie Sleightholm Discovered a new passion on her work placement
Emily Calvin Talking about her research
Emily Jacklin Talking about her year in industry
Emily Kilmister Volunteering with the local community
Emily Salt EXSEL scholarship scheme
Faidat Akinwole Braimoh Talking about discovery modules
Gary Hinken Talking about returning to education
George Hobley Support from Access to Leeds has helped George succeed in his studies.
Harriett Howe Talking about starting her own business
Heathcliff Howard LLB Law 2024
Honey Best-Barton Volunteering with Candlelighters children's cancer charity
Isla Loness Talking about clubs and societies
Jake Donohue BSc Sports and Exercise Science 2024