Fadhli Munadi Iman

Talking about
Postgraduate pre-sessional English

My name is Fadhli Munadi Iman, and I am a Civil Servant at the Ministry of Transportation in my country.

How did studying on the pre-sessional help you on your degree course?

In my Masters course, 90% of my assignments are writing academic essays. During the pre-sessional, I learned how to make a paragraph, start from broad to narrow, give evidence when I put an argument, and that every piece of evidence needs to be cited. I learned how to read paragraphs to find evidence of my essay effectively, how to develop an idea from that evidence, and many more. Those courses really helped me during my master’s course.

In addition, the pre-sessional was not only about writing and reading, but also speaking, listening, and discussing. I learned how to do a presentation in our 3-minute presentation class. Before the presentation day, the lecturer showed us a lot of examples of a 3-minute presentation and it helped me to organise my presentation. During my Masters course, I have some assignments with presentations. Based on my experience during my pre-sessional course, I really enjoyed finishing those presentation assignments.

Furthermore, I liked how each module was designed for us to have discussions, especially in the Academic Reading Circle, where we played role plays and each role had different tasks. When undergoing the master course, I found that there were many discussion activities, and the pre-sessional provided valuable experience on how I should behave when discussing, especially with people from various countries and backgrounds.

What were the teachers like on your pre-sessional course?

The teachers are very concerned and want us to improve our English skills. They always encourage us to speak and express ideas to train our confidence in speaking English. Teachers never judge right or wrong, but they always collect ideas and then evaluate them to show the right answer.

The teachers were also very friendly, so we felt comfortable in class. Teachers often come up to each of us one by one and ask if there is something we don't understand and would like to ask. The teachers are also very professional with very clear pronunciation for us as international students. So, we can understand the explanation well.

What have you enjoyed the most about your time at Leeds?

I like the weather in Leeds. I was really happy when winter came, because it was my first experience of feeling snow. I like how the city is designed to encourage active travel, almost all of the city can be accessed by public transport.

How do you think the skills and knowledge you’ve developed at Leeds will help with your career plans?

As I mentioned, I work at the Ministry of Transportation and I am studying transport, so it is really helpful to develop my knowledge about transportation, especially in railways. I hope I can make a huge contribution to transportation in my country. Furthermore, I aspire to be a Transportation Attaché one day, and English skills are very important for doing that job. 

What advice would you give to someone who is unsure about studying the pre-sessional?

Pre-sessional English is not just an ordinary English class; it also helps you get ready for your Masters course. Many things are different between learning in your home country and UK. So, the pre-sessional is a great course to follow and will help you a lot with your future studies. During the pre-sessional, you will be shown how to use the different learning tools you will be using while you are at the University of Leeds. This way, when you start your Masters course, you will be ready to go right away. Don't think twice; pre-sessional has a lot of perks.

Fadhli studied the Language for Science: Engineering 10 Weeks pre-sessional course.

Find out about Masters pre-sessionals at Leeds