Animal research  Why we use animals for research

The University of Leeds carries out research using animals mainly to improve the health and welfare of human beings and animals, but also in some circumstances to provide a better understanding of the animals themselves.

The University uses animals only when there are no alternatives, and is firmly committed to the replacement, reduction and refinement of the use of animals in research (the 3Rs).

Our procedures

Before any research can be undertaken which may cause animals pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm, it requires the approval of the University’s Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Committee (AWERC), and also approval from the Home Office under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986. You can read the minutes of the AWERC and its annual reports to the University Council (the governing body) on the AWERC page.

View our information on the number of animals used in scientific procedures at Leeds (PDF).

Animals used at the University of Leeds in Regulated Procedures 2019 to 2023


  • 2019: 18,555
  • 2020: 11,440
  • 2021: 12,655
  • 2022: 20,664
  • 2023: 12,304


  • 2019: 513
  • 2020: 244
  • 2021: 292
  • 2022: 683
  • 2023: 268


  • 2019: 0
  • 2020: 0
  • 2021: 18
  • 2022: 30
  • 2023: 6


  • 2019: 441
  • 2020: 6
  • 2021: 23
  • 2022: 45
  • 2023: 46

Birds and poultry

  • 2019: 553
  • 2020: 250
  • 2021: 407
  • 2022: 878
  • 2023: 420


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