Graduate outcomes
This page provides a summary of what our graduates went on to do after graduating; whether they went on to employment and if so, what they were earning, or whether they went on to further study.
The data is gathered through an annual national survey carried out 15 months after our students graduate.
Data is displayed as an average across all students interviewed – UK and international undergraduate, taught postgraduate and postgraduate researchers – unless stated otherwise. Percentages are rounded to the nearest decimal point.
Last updated: 21 February 2023
Data from 2019/2020 graduates
Average annual salary
- 5.3% earned less than £18,000,
- 24.4% earned between £18,000 - £24,000
- 34.9% earned between £24,000 - £30,000
- 24% earned between £30,000 - £39,000
- 6.7% earned between £39,000 - £48,000
- 4.6% earned over £48,000.
What graduates were doing after they graduated (UK graduates only)
4.2% of Leeds graduates eligible for work were unemployed, down 0.8% on the year before.
82.8% of the 3,107 graduates in employment were in professional or managerial level roles, down 1.1% on the year before.
Of all graduates:
- 71.7% were working
- 10.2% were both working and studying
- 8.5% were only studying
- 4.2% were doing other things
- 1.5% were due to start a new role or course
- 4% were unemployed.
Job satisfaction among graduates
- 86.5% of Leeds graduates agree or strongly agree that what they are doing is meaningful, up 0.7% on the year before
- 79.3% of Leeds graduates agree or strongly agree that what they are doing is in line with their future plans, up 0.2% on the year before
- 69.3% of Leeds graduates agree or strongly agree that they are using the skills learned during their studies, down 0.3% on the year before.
Types of further study after graduating
18.7% of Leeds graduates went on to do further study, up 0.5% on the year before.
Of those:
- 25.9% were studying Research Postgraduate courses
- 48.3% were studying Taught Postgraduate courses
- 8.3% were studying Postgraduate diplomas or certificates
- 7.6% were studying a professional qualification
- 10% were studying other qualifications.