Access to Leeds

Access to Leeds

Access to Leeds is our contextual admissions programme for UK undergraduate applicants. It offers additional consideration for applicants based on their personal circumstances.

If you join us through Access to Leeds, you will benefit from:

  • the chance to study an undergraduate degree with entry requirements up to two grades lower than our standard offer. For example if the standard entry requirement for your course is AAA at A-level, the Access to Leeds offer could be ABB. 
  • a study module, support and events to help prepare you for university
  • on-course support through our Plus Programme 
  • additional consideration if you apply for a means-tested scholarship.

How to apply

Applications open in September for the following academic year. Some students are automatically identified as eligible from their UCAS application, but if you meet the eligibility criteria, we recommend you apply directly as it guarantees you will be considered.

  • Am I eligible?

    Check if you are eligible for the programme.

    George Hobley sat in a study space and smiling at the camera
  • How to apply

    Applications open every September for the following academic year. Find out how to apply.

    A student sat inside a study space using a laptop

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