
Last updated
Institutionally agreed


Qualifications we accept for undergraduate study

French-speaking community:
Certificat d'Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur
Diplôme d'accès à l'enseignment supérieur.

Flemish-speaking community:
Diploma (previously Getuignschrift) van hoger Secundair Onderwijs.

German-speaking community:
Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts.

Subject specific grades:
A* = 90% (French), 9 (Flemish) or 19 (German)
A = 85%, 8.5 or 18.5
B = 80%, 8 or 18.

If we ask for A*AA, you need:

90% (French)
9 (Flemish)
19 (German)
overall with subject specific grades

If we ask for AAA, you need:

85% (French)
8.5 (Flemish)
18 (German)
overall with subject specific grades

If we ask for AAB, you need:

80% (French)
8 (Flemish)
17 (German)
overall with subject specific grades

If we ask for ABB, you need:

75% (French)
7.5 (Flemish)
16 (German)
overall with subject specific grades

If we ask for BBB, you need:

70% (French)
7 (Flemish)
15 (German)
overall with subject specific grades

English Language minimum for undergraduate study

Acceptable from the available diplomas at 60%, 6 and 14 in the individual component, or you will need IELTS 6.0 overall, GCSE English C or 4 or an equivalent qualification: Check which English language qualifications we accept.


Qualifications we accept for postgraduate study

From 3 year degrees:

  • Bachelor degree
  • Licentiaat/Licencie

If we ask for 2.1, you need:


If we ask for 2.2, you need:


English Language minimum for postgraduate study

Acceptable from the available diplomas at 60%, 6 and 14 in the individual component, or you will need IELTS 6.5 overall, GCSE English C or 4 or an equivalent qualification: Check which English language qualifications we accept.