Plan your visit  Event programme

Saturday 17 May 2025, 10am to 4pm

We invite the curious minds from across Leeds and beyond to join us for a day packed with exciting activities for everyone.

You’ll be able to find your way around the different locations using the Be Curious map. The map will be available to download from this page nearer the time, or you can collect a printed copy on the day.

Future artists

What is Basic Design and why are we excited about it?

Drop in to our artist-led drawing workshop to discover Basic Design philosophy and Maurice de Sausmarez, the man behind it!

Location: Parkinson Court  

Suitable for ages 6 and above 

Run by Dr Kerry Harker and the Stanley and Audrey Burton Gallery

What is a proverb?

Discover the fascinating history of proverbs, from Shakespeare to the present, and have a go at creating some new ones! 

Location: Parkinson Court North 

Suitable for ages 6 and above 

Run by Treasures of the Brotherton

What is the connection between your clothes and fossils?

Discover why coal forest fossils have cool patterns and how fossil fuels link to polyester. Then stitch your own fossil design! 

Location: Refectory 

Suitable for ages 6 and above 

Run by Sonja Andrew 

Body builders

How strong are your teeth?

Discover the hidden sugar and acid in your favorite drinks. Join our fun challenge to see how they affect eggshells – and your teeth! 

Location: Refectory 

Suitable for ages 6 and above

Run by Alice Rigby and Claire Smith  

How do we balance?

We walk down the street, climb steps, navigate obstacles and all kinds of complicated things without even thinking about it – but how? 

Location: Riley Smith 

Suitable for ages 6 and above

Run by Reader-Harris Lab

How does your heart pump blood? 

Get ready to explore your amazing heart! Find out about blood types, check your pulse and learn why keeping your heart healthy is so important. 

Location: Parkinson Court South 

Suitable for all ages

Run by Leeds Heart Beats

Can you piece together the story to improve people's health?

Every day you generate data, like when you shop or go to the doctors. This information can help researchers identify patterns and improve health and care. 

Location: Precinct 

Suitable for ages 6 and above

Run by Survivorship and Multimorbidity Epidemiology Research Group 

How can girls and women stay strong and healthy?

Unlock your inner superheroine! Explore how strength training and understanding your body’s changes can help girls and women stay strong, confident and healthy for life. 

Location: Michael Sadler LG.10 

Suitable for ages 6 and above

Run by Hannah Campbell

Is sugar good or bad for your heart?

In this activity, you’ll learn how to keep your heart healthy and understand how the body works. 

Location: Riley Smith 

Suitable for ages 6 and above

Run by Dr Hema Viswambharan

What do you know about bowels and bugs and poo?

Come and play some of our poo-themed and bug-themed games. Learn how antibiotics affect the bugs in your guts. You might even win a prize! 

Location: Riley Smith 

Suitable for all ages

Run by Dr Susan Richman

Do you enjoy trying new sports?

Try out some fun sports with our students, including rugby, netball and football. 

Location: Precinct 

Suitable for ages 6 and above

Run by Grpyhons Abroad

Germ busters, can you kill the germ?

Knock down the nasty germs with your immune cells! Learn how your body fights infections – can you defeat the germs? 

Location: Riley Smith 

Suitable for all ages 

Run by Samson Group (Tamara Humphries and Abi Connor)

Young innovators

What makes you move?

Ever wondered how ballet dancers do all those amazing moves? Find out how art and science meet to inspire new engineering research. 

Location: Michael Sadler LG.10 

Suitable for ages 6 and above

Run by Mechanical Engineering Ingenious Team

The Supply Chain Challenge

Make sure everything is in the right place at the right time, or the products won’t make it from farm to table! Prove your worth as logistics manager and get your best problem solving hat on to make sure the deliveries get through. 

Location: M&S Archive 

Suitable for all ages

Run by M&S Archive

What is going on in the quantum realm?

Do you want to learn about quantum technologies? Come and see how we can build the networks and computers of the future to create the quantum internet. 

Location: Riley Smith 

Suitable for ages 6 and above

Run by Quantum Communications Group

Can AI make self-driving cars smarter?

Discover how artificial intelligence (AI) helps self-driving cars avoid traffic by using smart programs to find the best routes, reduce jams and make driving faster and smoother. 

Location: Refectory 

Suitable for ages 10 and above

Run by Maha Alruwaili

How do we make the computers of the future?

Learn how we engineer the quantum properties of new materials atom by atom. Discover how we can create the building blocks of new computers! 

Location: Parkinson Court South 

Suitable for ages 6 and above

Run by Condensed Matter Physics Group

How protected is your home from flooding below ground?

Floodwalls stop water above, but what about below? Uncover hidden risks and surprising solutions that could improve your flood protection! 

Location: Refectory 

Suitable for ages 6 and above

Run by Andel

Eco heroes

The Space Between the Lights

The Space Between the Lights is a sound trail across campus, revealing the hidden lives of the animals that call Leeds campus home. 

Location: Precinct 

Suitable for all ages

Run by Cultural Institute

What colour is a woodland?

Discover the science of leaves! Create colourful art with special paints that change colour and natural pigments from our research woodlands. 

Location: Refectory 

Suitable for all ages

Run by Leeds Ecosystem, Atmosphere and Forest Centre (LEAF)

Community champions

How can we make streets safer and more fun?

Imagine kids and transport designers teaming up to create fun, safe streets! This stall will turn children’s ideas into real designs, making a child-friendly city. 

Location: Parkinson Court South 

Suitable for all ages

Run by Child Friendly Leeds

Leeds Young Research Owls

Meet Leeds Young Research Owls, a group of young people who support child health researchers with their projects, from start to finish and beyond! 

Location: Parkinson Court North 

Suitable for ages 6 and above

Run by Heather Rostron

The Lifelong Learning Centre

It’s never too late to learn! Explore options into higher education for adults. Learn about support available for mature students. Find out about what studying at university as an adult is like. 

Location: Parkinson Court North 

Suitable for adults

Run by the Lifelong Learning Centre

Super scientists

How fast are your fingers?

Play on our Turbo Typing arcade machine and find out! Tap or type your way to victory and join our leaderboard. Compete against your family and friends! 

Location: Michael Sadler LG.16 

Suitable for ages 6 and above

Run by Dr Emily Williams

What makes a good surface?

Explore how surface textures and materials affect everyday life. Discover cool surface effects like electrostatic charging and corrosion. 

Location: Michael Sadler LG.10 

Suitable for ages 6 and above

Run by Josh Armitage

What kind of chocolate makes people happier?

Learn about the stages of a clinical trial and help us answer “what kind of chocolate makes people happier?”

Location: Riley Smith 

Suitable for all ages

Run by Clinical Trials Research Unit

How fair is AI?

Explore a real example of artificial intelligence (AI) and challenge the algorithm yourself. See how AI decisions can sometimes be unfair or misleading! 

Location: Parkinson Court South 

Suitable for ages 6 and above

Run by Liqun Liu

How tough is your chocolate?

Come along to discover materials! We’ll look at how different chocolates are similar to the types of materials that surround us. 

Location: Refectory 

Suitable for ages 6 and above

Run by Nicole Hondow

How do medicines work in our bodies?

We all take medicines sometimes, but what do those little molecules actually do? Join us on a virtual reality tour to find out, and take some science home with you in our goodie bags! 

Location: Refectory

Suitable for all ages

Run by Katie Simmons and Stephen Meunch

What are proteins and how do they work?

Proteins are like tiny machines in our cells. Watch them twist and fold into amazing shapes to do important jobs. Come see how it all works!

Location: Michael Sadler LG.19 

Suitable for ages 6 and above

Run by Sharon Yeoh, Bayliss Group

What is it like to be a laser scientist?

Do you have what it takes to be a future laser scientist? Play with lasers, learn about light and what scientists use it for.

Location: Baines G.37 

Suitable for ages 6 and above

Run by Thomas Gill

How are proteins made?

Decode a message to make a protein from DNA, just like your cells do. And take home your own ‘protein’ keychain! 

Location: Parkinson Court South 

Suitable for all ages

Run by RiboCode

How do researchers answer big questions with simple ideas?

Science can be tricky, but finding the right clues makes it easier! Explore shapes, colours and textures to solve big puzzles step-by-step. 

Location: Michael Sadler LG.19 

Suitable for ages 6 and above

Run by Victoria Byelova

Fearless explorers

How does blood travel outside of our body?

Join Mina the Mouse on her incredible blood journey! Discover how blood travels after donation and meet the many people involved, each with unique stories. 

Location: Refectory 

Suitable for ages 6 and above

Run by Jieun Kim and Leigh Bowser

What science experiements can I do at home?

Try some experiments and discover the incredible stories of girls from 100 years ago who grew up to become famous scientists! 

Location: Parkinson Court South 

Suitable for ages 6 and above

Run by Katie Carpenter