Leaders appointed for new cancer research centre
A major new interdisciplinary research centre has been launched with the aim of putting Leeds at the forefront of global efforts to tackle cancer.
A major new interdisciplinary research centre has been launched with the aim of putting Leeds at the forefront of global efforts to tackle cancer.
Drugs developed to treat Alzheimer’s Disease could be repurposed to prevent - or even reverse - damage done to the blood vessels of people who are obese or have type 2 diabetes, according to research.
Gold mining significantly limits the regrowth of Amazon forests, greatly reducing their ability to accumulate carbon, according to a new study.
The UK’s ability to predict solar superstorms and other severe space weather events is to get a significant boost with the launch of a major research project involving Leeds expertise.
Scientists from the University of Leeds are to study live virus excretion in faeces to understand more about the spread of SARS-CoV-2 – the coronavirus responsible for the pandemic.
A new study demonstrates for the first time that dolphins can learn foraging techniques outside the mother-calf bond – showing that they have a similar cultural nature to great apes.
A persistent cough and fever have been confirmed as the most prevalent symptoms associated with COVID-19, according to a major review of the scientific literature.
The poet, writer and visual artist Redell Olsen is the winner of the £15,000 DARE Art Prize 2020-21.
Figures just published reveal the number of children in the UK who were in paediatric intensive care units with COVID-19.
Technology is not the silver bullet for mitigating and solving the many global environmental issues the world is facing, scientists warn.