Mimicking human driving in autonomous vehicles
Researchers from the University of Leeds are contributing to a 30-month autonomous vehicle project that will culminate in the most complex journey yet attempted across the UK without driver input.
Researchers from the University of Leeds are contributing to a 30-month autonomous vehicle project that will culminate in the most complex journey yet attempted across the UK without driver input.
Chris Packham's book Fingers in the Sparkle Jar has been voted the UK’s favourite piece of nature writing in an online poll organised as part of a research project led by the University of Leeds.
Terminally-ill patients experience significantly better quality of life before they die if they receive earlier access to palliative care, according to new research.
An international competition to estimate the diversity of plants across the whole of Britain has shown that mathematical modelling techniques are ‘coming of age’.
The personal archive of the woman who founded one of the world’s most famous piano contests has been presented to the University.
Deforestation is likely to warm the climate even more than originally thought, scientists warn.
International students in Leeds contribute a net £390m to the UK economy, a new study has found.
Scientists have found fossil evidence of deep-sea marine life burrowing at least eight metres below the seabed – four times the previously observed depth for modern deep-sea life.
Senior regional business leaders visited the University this week to find out how Nexus, its new gateway to world-leading research expertise and infrastructure, will boost economic growth.
The complex and mysterious mechanisms that drive communication and reactions within human cells could be on the verge of being unravelled, due to a pioneering new technique.