Starting gun fired on £5m sports facility fit for Olympians
Work has started on a £5m University of Leeds sports development that will enhance facilities for cycling and triathlon in the region.
Work has started on a £5m University of Leeds sports development that will enhance facilities for cycling and triathlon in the region.
Precious 17th century copies of plays by Tang Xianzu – Shakespeare’s Chinese contemporary – have come to light as part of a unique international theatre project at the University of Leeds.
Jamie Oliver’s back-to-basics approach to improving our diets works, according to a new study.
Gene variants associated with red hair, pale skin and freckles are linked to a higher number of genetic mutations in skin cancers, new research has found.
The impacts of climate change are already being felt in the UK and urgent action is needed, concludes a report published today.
Twelve significant individuals from the disciplines of law, education, film, science and engineering will be presented with honorary degrees recognising their contribution to their fields and society.
The most extensive land-based study of the effect of drought on Amazonian rainforests to date has shown that a recent drought completely shut down the Amazon Basin’s carbon sink.
From Golden Acre and Gotts to Roundhay and Rothwell, there are more than 60 parks to enjoy in Leeds.
Jousting knights, feasting musicians, food demonstrators and artists will descend on Leeds from 3-7 July.
Robots rarely get a good press. They’re either turning rogue, trying to control the human race as in The Matrix, or wreaking a path of destruction to kill the hero in Will Smith’s I, Robot.