Engineering powerhouses set up China-UK joint school
The University of Leeds and China's Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU) have launched a joint school to deliver world-class teaching and research.
The University of Leeds and China's Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU) have launched a joint school to deliver world-class teaching and research.
Observations led by astronomers at the University of Leeds have shown for the first time that a massive star, 25 times the mass of the Sun, is forming in a similar way to low-mass stars.
A UK government-funded initiative will put £20 million behind research to better understand Africa’s changing climate and the use of climate change information in decision-making across the continent.
The University of Leeds has been awarded £3 million by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) to shed light on why the climate is warming at an uneven rate with pronounced pauses and surges.
The Leeds Academic Health Partnership (LAHP) has been involved in an initiative to bring a centre of excellence in precision medicine to the city, the government has announced.
Art student turned inventor and engineer Sir James Dyson has opened a new art exhibition at the University.
The British Heart Foundation (BHF) is investing £1.4 million in the University of Leeds to help counteract the risk of heart disease in people with diabetes.
New research from the University of Leeds has revealed that some people are losing more than 15 day’s worth of sleep a year.
Scientists behind new research into the effects of transport infrastructure on biodiversity have developed much-needed approaches to protect wildlife.
The University of Leeds is leading a pioneering £4.2m national infrastructure research project with the vision of creating self-repairing cities.