Our apprenticeship programmes

Find out what apprenticeships we offer and read about some of the apprentices that have studied with us.
We provide a range of higher and degree apprenticeships at various levels:
- Level 5 – comparable to a foundation degree, higher national diploma or industry specific qualification.
- Level 6 – equivalent to a full bachelor’s degree.
- Level 7 – our highest apprenticeship level and equivalent to postgraduate study.
Our Apprenticeships are rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted and our research strengths and teaching excellence are ranked among the best in the UK.
Email the Apprenticeships team at apprenticeships@leeds.ac.uk to discuss how our programmes can meet your business needs or to find out about developing a new apprenticeship. We can provide guidance on the process, next steps and the support available.
Leadership and Management (public and private sectors)
- BSc Chartered Manager Apprenticeship (Level 6)
- MSc Senior Leadership Apprenticeship (Level 7) (not currently recruiting)
- Executive Leadership Apprenticeship (Level 7)
Healthcare sector
- Foundation Degree in Healthcare for Assistant Practitioners Apprenticeship (Level 5) (not currently recruiting)
- Foundation Degree Nursing Associate Apprenticeship (Level 5)
- BSc Nursing (Adult) (with registration) Apprenticeship (Level 6) (not currently recruiting)
- MSc Advanced Clinical Practice Apprenticeship (Level 7).
Digital technology sector
BSc Computer Science (Digital & Technology Solutions) Apprenticeship (Level 6) (open to PwC employees) (not currently recruiting)
Ground engineering sector
Apprentice stories
- BSc Nursing Apprenticeship: read Lydia’s story
- Advanced Clinical Practice Apprenticeship: read Jon’s story
- MSc Geotechnical Engineering Degree Apprenticeship: read Alex’s story
Watch alumni from the Executive Leadership Apprenticeship discuss their experiences on the programme and how it has benefitted their career development.
Video transcript: Alumni Perspectives - Leeds Executive Leadership Apprenticeship
Contact us
If you are interested in offering apprenticeship opportunities to your staff not listed on this page, please email the Apprenticeships team at apprenticeships@leeds.ac.uk to find out if we can develop and offer a new apprenticeship.