
Institutionally agreed


Info last updated


If we ask for 2.2, you need:


English Language minimum for postgraduate study

You will need IELTS 6.5 overall, GCSE English C or 4 or an equivalent qualification: Check which English language qualifications we accept.

If we ask for 2.1, you need:


If we ask for 1st, you need:


Qualifications we accept for postgraduate study

4 year Sarjana (S1) (Bachelor degree)

If you need support with understanding our entry requirements or making your application, our dedicated Southeast Asia team can help you.

Typical entry requirements

If you need support with understanding our entry requirements or making your application, our dedicated Southeast Asia team can help you.

English Language minimum for undergraduate study

You will need IELTS 6.0 overall, GCSE English C or 4 or an equivalent qualification: Check which English language qualifications we accept.



Qualifications we accept for undergraduate study

You will need to complete a foundation programme, such as the University of Leeds International Foundation Year, or other level 3 qualifications such as A-levels or the International Baccalaureate.

If you need support with understanding our entry requirements or making your application, our dedicated Southeast Asia team can help you.