Info last updated
If we ask for 1st, you need:
If we ask for 2.1, you need:
If we ask for 2.2, you need:
English Language minimum for postgraduate study
You will need 70% or above from Diploma di esame di Stato, or IELTS 6.5 overall, GCSE English C or 4 or an equivalent qualification: Check which English language qualifications we accept.
Qualifications we accept for postgraduate study
3 to 5 year:
Licenza di Accademia di Belle Arti
Diploma accademico di primo livello
Diploma di Mediatore Linguistico
Diploma di Laurea
Qualifications we accept for undergraduate study
Diploma di esame di Stato.
Subject specific grades (average of final three years):
A* = 20/20 (or 15/15)
A = 18/20 (or 14/15)
B = 17/20 (or 13/15)
Grades in brackets show requirements for the previous grading system.
If we ask for A*AA, you need:
95% overall with subject specific grades
If we ask for AAA, you need:
90% overall with subject specific grades
If we ask for AAB, you need:
85% overall with subject specific grades
If we ask for ABB, you need:
80% overall with subject specific grades
If we ask for BBB, you need:
75% overall with subject specific grades
English Language minimum for undergraduate study
You will need 70% or above from Diploma di esame di Stato, or IELTS 6.0 overall, GCSE English C or 4 or an equivalent qualification: Check which English language qualifications we accept.
Institutionally agreed