What motivated you to study for an online Engineering Management course?
My background is predominantly in engineering and technology, and for the last few years I have been working in operations and project management roles.
I have found particularly in the project management space that there is really a need to manage things such as creativity and innovation and be aware of things such as emerging technologies. At the time that I did my original Undergraduate and Masters degree, those subjects were not covered. I felt that I really needed to get myself up to speed on those in order to be effective as a manager.
Are you working in the industry at the moment?
I am currently working for Collins Aerospace as a Programme Manager and my role is to manage significant military and technology projects.
Why did you choose the University of Leeds?
Firstly, the course covers Emerging and Disruptive Technologies and Innovation, Design and Creative Engineering that I needed. But it also provided some content on the business aspect of managing which I think is an important skill to have in the workplace today as an engineer or technologist.
Secondly, I would say that the course is designed well for people like myself who are in full-time employment and need to be able to study as and when I can.
Why does online learning suit you better?
I have a very busy professional schedule and I work in a business that is international, meaning that I find myself working at odd times and odd hours. In that respect, I could not undertake a traditional course that would require me to attend university.
I think that the combination of having the course delivered online, as well as the support from the University of Leeds staff has been a real bonus. In addition to having the flexibility to catch up on recorded webinars when I cannot attend, this course overall gives me the opportunity to study and complete my assignments when my time permits me to do so.
What are you hoping to get out of the course and what is your end goal?
I think my end goal is to be better educated and better equipped to manage in today’s workplace where it is very dynamic and is constantly changing and there is always a new normal. I think that the content of this course is very well-suited to me being able to develop and deliver those skills.
How did you find the application process?
I found the application process very straightforward and the fact that I was able to complete it all online was a huge benefit.
I had a dedicated Enrolment Advisor who helped me through the process from submitting a form online to providing a reference and my academic qualifications, all the way through to making my first payment. It was a very efficient and easy process to go through.
What are you most excited about with starting your course over the next few months?
I think there are a couple of things. I am very much looking forward to doing the Innovation, Design and Creative Engineering module as this is something that I really need to be studying and learning about.
Something else that I did not expect to happen, but I intend to grow further, is the professional network that I have been able to build as a result of being on the course. I didn’t have this prior to starting the course.
I am studying with people working across a broad range of industries and listening to their experience and points of view has been a real bonus on this course, no doubt.