Honey Best-Barton

BA Business Management and Marketing
Talking about
Volunteering with Candlelighters children's cancer charity

I am a volunteer Marketing Assistant for Yorkshire-based charity Candlelighters, which offers emotional, practical and financial support for children and families affected by childhood cancer.

My role entails creating social media posts to upload on Instagram, Facebook, X and LinkedIn to raise awareness for upcoming fundraising events, discuss recent activities and thank supporters for their contributions. I construct emails using MailChimp to send to Candlelighters’ corporate clients and supporters within the community. I also write press release articles for upcoming or recent activities. 

I have been volunteering for Candlelighters for just over a year and I have loved every minute!

Helping out and gaining new skills

I began volunteering with the intention of bettering the outcomes of others who are facing such distressing circumstances.

I am so grateful for the mentoring I have received to hone new skills.

Honey Best-Barton

Having volunteered for an animal sanctuary for six years, I felt as though my time was best spent when contributing in some way to a cause dedicated to supporting others. Therefore, I wished to use my spare time in a beneficial way once again. It has been a wonderful opportunity to build relationships with individuals who share this common purpose.   

I was not aware of how profound an impact volunteering would have on improving my practical skills. I am so grateful for the mentoring I have received to hone new skills that are relevant to my degree, such as promoting through social media and writing press releases. 

I also look forward to seeing the cheerful, determined faces of those I am lucky enough to work alongside and leave each day with a full heart.

The impact of helping others

Volunteering has opened my eyes to the effects of childhood cancer and given me a deeper emotional insight into the necessity of assisting others. 

Volunteering can provide the opportunity to integrate yourself into the wider community.

Honey Best-Barton

Moving to a new city can be a daunting experience. However, volunteering can provide the opportunity to integrate yourself into the wider community and feel that you are making a beneficial contribution. Volunteering has shown me just how much people’s generosity can positively impact the lives of others.

I have met wonderful people during my time at Candlelighters and am fortunate to be in the company of such an inspiring group. Volunteering has given me insight into issues that may not be prevalent in my own life but are the daily reality of many families. To be able to offer these families any form of support is a privilege.

Connecting with the community

I am filled with gratitude when I reflect on my overall volunteering experience.

I have felt moments of pride when my press releases have been published and thoroughly enjoyed the creative opportunity to produce a promotional video for their largest annual fundraiser, Pink It Up. However, it is the knowledge that you are directly or indirectly helping others that is moving and motivating. 

There has also been the wonderful bonus of making new friendships with staff and fellow volunteers. The community feel within the charity is something I am beyond thankful to be a part of. To work alongside individuals who dedicate their lives to supporting others is truly inspiring and heartwarming.

Advice for future volunteers

I would recommend volunteering wholeheartedly. It is a wonderful use of your time to help an excellent cause that benefits the lives of others. If each person could contribute in some way, be it time, money or whatever they can offer, the world would be a better place and the difficulties many people face could be alleviated.

Learning new skills can be daunting but I am lucky to have been provided ample guidance and support from staff. 

Honey Best-Barton

It can be an opportunity to develop your skills and provide practical experience within a workplace setting. This can be invaluable in improving your confidence when considering a career beyond university. Learning new skills can be daunting but I am lucky to have been provided ample guidance and support from staff. 

Being exposed to some of the case studies of children and families facing childhood cancer diagnosis can be emotionally straining. However, Candlelighters provide emotional support should their volunteers and staff need it.  

The time commitment has definitely been worthwhile and Candlelighters have been flexible in accommodating my other commitments during exam season and holidays.

Often, charities or organisations are appreciative of any time that you can offer, so balancing university and other commitments with volunteering has not caused any stress. If you can offer any of your spare time, it can be a wonderful, inspiring and beneficial experience to yourself and others. 

More information about volunteering

Read more student profiles about volunteering
Find out more about volunteering opportunities as a student at Leeds

If you’re a not-for-profit organisation in Leeds that would benefit from student volunteers, email the Volunteering Team at volunteer@leeds.ac.uk