Vivienne Griggs

Job title
Deputy Director (Student Education)


Areas of expertise

  • Learning and development
  • Leadership development
  • Coaching and mentoring
  • Learning theory
  • Reflective learning
  • Collaborative learning
  • Inclusive pedagogies

My role

My role is about academic leadership. This involves strategic management and leadership of Lifelong Learning Centre (LLC) programmes, the most important aspect of which is working in collaboration with colleagues in the LLC to offer inclusive and high quality education. As a multi-disciplinary school the issues we face can be complex and wide-ranging. We work closely as a team to keep enhancing our approach so that we can best support students from diverse backgrounds to achieve their desired academic outcomes.

I also manage quality assurance and enhancement procedures to ensure compliance with appropriate regulation and procedures – this includes chairing a range of formal committees and boards such as the Taught Student Education Committee, the Special Cases Committee, the Ethics Committee, and the Assessment and Award boards. Prior to joining the Lifelong Learning Centre, I held professional and academic roles in Human Resource Management and Development.

I teach the module ‘Coaching and Mentoring in the Workplace’, deliver lectures and seminars and supervise dissertation students on a range of LLC programmes related to my specialism in Human Resource Management and Development.

Research interests

My research has focused on understanding and facilitating effective learning. This provides a link between people development and evidence-based scholarship. As my research has been driven by my aim to enhance my academic practice it has included both curricular and pedagogic development initiatives.


  • September 2017-present (intended completion 2024) PhD in Higher Education: Research, Evaluation and Enhancement – supervisor Paul Ashwin, Lancaster University
  • MA Personnel and Development, Leeds Metropolitan University
  • PG Dip Personnel Management, Leeds Metropolitan University
  • BA (Hons) Psychology, Newcastle University

Professional memberships

I am Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a member of the editorial board of the journal Advances in Developing Human Resources.


  • Glaister, C., Griggs, V., Martinez Gonzalez, Oc. and Hussain, M., (2023) Informal Collaborative Learning - students’ perspectives on its role in Higher Education. Accepted for publication in Teaching in Higher Education.
  • Griggs, V., Holden, R., Lawless, A. and Rae, J., (2018). From reflective learning to reflective practice: assessing transfer. Studies in Higher Education, 43(7), pp. 1172-1183.
  • Griggs, V. and Allen, J., (2018). The Value of an HR Professional Group for Organizational Learning. International Journal of HRD Policy, Practice and Research, 3(1), pp. 43-57. 
  • Griggs, V., Holden , R., Rae , J. and Lawless, A. (2015) Professional learning in human resource management: problematising the teaching of reflective practice. Studies in Continuing Education, 37 (2), pp. 202-217.
  • Glaister, C., Griggs, V., Holden, R., MacCauley, P. (2013) Chapter 6 The Practice of Training: the Design and Delivery of Training. In: Gold, J.H.R.; Iles, P.; Stewart, J.; Beardwell, J. (Ed.): 2nd ed., Human Resource Development Theory and Practice. Basingstoke, England: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Griggs, V. Glaister, C., Holden, R., MacCauley, P (2013) Chapter 5 The Practice of Training: the Identification of Training Needs. In: Gold, J.H.R.; Iles, P., Stewart, J., Beardwell, J. (Ed.). 2nd ed., Human Resource Development Theory and Practice. Basingstoke, England: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Griggs, V. and Holden, R. (2013) Chapter 3 Contrasting Contexts of HRD Practice. In: Gold, J.H.R.; Iles, P.; Stewart, J.; Beardwell, J. (Ed.):  2nd ed., Human Resource Development Theory and Practice. Basingstoke, England: Palgrave Macmillan. 
  • Griggs, V., Blackburn, M. and Smith, J. (2013) The Educational Scorecard: The start of our journey. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 10, (2), pp. 121-131. 
  • Holden, R. and Griggs, V. (2011) Teaching the Politics of HRD: A Journey in Critical Curriculum Development. The International Journal of Management Education 9(2), pp. 71-81.
  • Holden, R. and Griggs, V. (2011) Not Another Learning Log! A Research Based Perspective on Teaching Reflective Learning within HR Professional Education. Human Resource Development International, 14(4), pp. 483-491.
  • Holden, R. and Griggs, V. (2010) Innovative Practice in the Teaching and Learning of Human Resource Development. Journal of European Industrial Training, 34(8/9), pp. 705 – 709.