Greg Elliott

Job title
Communities and Partnerships Assistant, Lifelong Learning Centre


My role

My role involves providing administrative support to a wide range of Lifelong Learning Centre (LLC) outreach activity aimed at engaging with and supporting the progression of potential mature, part-time and foundation-level students.

As well as assisting colleagues on our Welcome Desk with the handling of general enquiries, I am also a point of contact for our advice and guidance service for adult learners, our JumpStart short course for adults looking to build their confidence around academic skills, and a rolling series of free taster sessions and information events aimed at prospective students from diverse backgrounds.
I work closely with Antonio Borriello, Liam Hughes and other colleagues from our Communities and Partnerships (C&P) team to plan and deliver these activities, with the aim of continuously improving the systems and processes we use. This is to ensure both an excellent customer experience for the adult learners we work with and outcomes which meet their individual needs, as well as working towards the wider objectives of the LLC.
My role places a significant emphasis on finding ways to grow the LLC’s social audience on Facebook, Instagram, X, LinkedIn and TikTok. I also help manage our departmental YouTube channel and SoundCloud account, and coordinate our contributions to the University’s Medium publication as well as the LLC’s Medium account.

The success of this area of work depends on effective cross-team working with colleagues and academic staff from elsewhere in the Centre and across the University. As a member of the C&P team, I aim to ensure the LLC’s community outreach and development functions are incorporated into the overall approach.
I also work in support of the University’s Marketing and Communications teams, for example around the management of LLC-related content on the University website and helping to ensure the activity we undertake on digital platforms ‘in-house’ complements the paid campaigns organised on our behalf.

Professional memberships

I am a Certified Digital Marketing Professional (CDMP) accredited by the Digital Marketing Institute.