Heathcliff Howard

LLB Law 2024
Talking about
Volunteering at IntoUniversity

I am proud to be a volunteer at IntoUniversity, an organization dedicated to supporting underprivileged students in their pursuit of higher education and improving their future opportunities. I have been actively involved in this role for an entire academic year, committing my time and efforts to make a positive impact.

As a volunteer, my responsibilities involve regular one-hour meetings with my mentee. We meet every two weeks, and whenever possible, we strive for weekly sessions. During these meetings, my main objective is to assist my mentee in various aspects of their development. This includes guiding them to explore their future prospects, acquire new knowledge, and enhance their social skills.

To ensure a well-rounded approach, each meeting focuses on one of three key objectives: fostering social connections, promoting academic growth, or fostering long-term aspirations. This structure allows us to maintain focus and strike a balance between different important facets of life.

Reasons to volunteer

Volunteering holds a special place in my heart, driven by a deep-rooted desire to provide the support that I wish I had received when I was younger. Coming from a low-income background with parents who did not pursue further education, I have accumulated valuable skills and learned important lessons throughout my life. I believe that these experiences can be immensely beneficial to others facing similar circumstances.

My goal is to demonstrate that it is indeed possible to overcome obstacles and make something meaningful out of one's life, while instilling in them the values necessary to achieve their own aspirations. 

Being a positive role model, I have the privilege of making a significant impact on my mentee's life, nurturing their dreams and empowering them to transform them into reality.

Heathcliff Howard

Defining values and goals

Volunteering has had a profound impact on me, fostering a deep sense of fulfilment as I witness the positive influence I have on another person's life. It serves as a powerful reminder to constantly strive to be the best version of myself and pursue my own aspirations, as I impart these lessons to my mentee.

Engaging in volunteer work has also been instrumental in helping me discern my values and what truly matters to me, both personally and professionally. I hold a strong belief in the importance of assisting others, and this experience has reaffirmed my desire to pursue a future role aligned with these values. The intrinsic satisfaction derived from aiding someone else, especially when a strong connection is established, surpasses any material rewards that money could offer.

My favourite part of the volunteering experience has been witnessing the genuine enthusiasm of my mentee during our meetings and knowing that they eagerly anticipate them. Their curiosity and ambition are truly inspiring, as they constantly strive to achieve their goals. Our conversations often take unexpected turns, as we delve into various topics beyond the initial subject.

It can be quite challenging to stay focused on the meeting agenda when my mentee is brimming with enthusiasm and a thirst for knowledge about the world around them. Nonetheless, these moments are filled with laughter and joy, making the experience all the more rewarding.

Making an impact

Volunteering is a remarkable decision that can keep you connected to your core values. By dedicating your time to helping others, you reinforce and embody these values more frequently. The rewarding feeling of being a genuinely good person and making a positive impact is unparalleled.

Contrary to the common misconception, volunteering doesn't demand a significant amount of time. Even an hour a week can have a tremendous impact on both yourself and those you assist. When you consider it, that hour might have been spent idly, whereas through volunteering, you actively contribute to something meaningful. No matter how busy our lives may seem, there's always room to prioritize the importance of lending a helping hand.

In a short period, I have truly felt a sense of community and belonging.

Heathcliff Howard

Throughout my journey as a volunteer mentor, I have received invaluable support from IntoUniversity. Their guidance and encouragement have made me feel welcomed and appreciated, enhancing my volunteering experience.

Advice for future volunteers

To fellow students considering volunteering, I encourage you to embrace this opportunity. Through volunteering, you will not only make a difference in the lives of others but also discover personal growth and fulfilment.

It's a chance to learn from and connect with diverse individuals, expanding your perspective and empathy. Take the leap and embark on a journey that will leave a lasting impact on both yourself and the world around you.

More information about volunteering

Read more student profiles about volunteering
Find out more about volunteering opportunities as a student at Leeds

If you’re a not-for-profit organisation in Leeds that would benefit from student volunteers, email the Volunteering Team at volunteer@leeds.ac.uk