Opportunities for academics

The Cultural Institute facilitates interdisciplinary connections between researchers and the cultural sector. We help researchers to engage with people through arts and culture. 

Our offer includes: 

  • small to medium funding opportunities 
  • creative residencies 
  • partnership facilitation, including introducing researchers to arts and culture organisations in the city 
  • profile raising for researchers through our channels 
  • the co-delivery of research-driven public cultural programmes across the University of Leeds.  

Explore our research opportunities, including previous years projects and outcomes. 

My participation in Leeds Creative Labs has had a really important impact on my career and catalysed a shift in my research focus.”

Fiona Gill, Lecturer in Palentology and Geochemistry.

Upcoming opportunities

Ignite Fund

Research impact funding for projects developed between researchers and cultural, arts and third sector organisations in West Yorkshire. Find out more about the Ignite Fund.

Sapling Fund

Supporting the development of collaborative projects in the arts and humanities that have the potential to effect change. Find out more about the Sapling Fund.

Collections Research Fund

Work alongside specialist curators and apply research methods to world-class museum collections. 

Leeds Creative Labs

Pairing creative professionals with researchers from the University, Creative Labs provides funding, opportunities and co-creative space to share ideas and experiences without deadlines and targets.  

Each residency lasts for two months, providing ample time for exploration and innovation: 

  • Discover new research connections. 
  • Gain the courage to push boundaries. 
  • Translate ideas into grant development. 
  • Experiment with new approaches. 
  • Expand your research and artist network.  

Find out more about Leeds Creative Labs.

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