Our events are free and open to all, but booking is essential.
Neighbourhood inequalities in access to food stores
- Dare and time: Wednesday 30 April, 12pm – 12.40pm
- Speaker: Dr Andy Newing
- Register for ‘Neighbourhood inequalities in access to food stores’
‘Food on Film’: Community-led film making in the context of Bradford food
- Date and time: Wednesday 4 June, 12pm – 12.40pm
- Speaker: Dr Rory Padfield
- Register for ‘’Food on Film’: Community-led film making in the content of Bradford food’
Turbulences in the food system: towards long-term resilience
- Date and time: Wednesday 18 June, 12pm – 12.40pm
- Speaker: Dr Steffen Hirth
- Register for ‘Turbulences in the food system: towards long-term resilience’
Previous seminars
You can view the recordings of our previous seminars on our YouTube channel.