HealthTech Leeds

HealthTech Leeds

HealthTech Leeds is a joint research initiative between the University of Leeds and Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust to accelerate the development and adoption of new health technologies.

It draws on the expertise of a community of around 150 scientists and clinical academics from across the University and the Trust and is part of a wide network of industrial, academic and clinical partners from the Leeds City Region.

Through collaboration, the we aim to help transform Leeds into a world leader in connected, innovation-driven and challenge-led healthtech.

By connecting excellence in clinical application in the Trust and exciting new technology developed in the University, we hope to bring about real benefits for many of our patients and showcase Leeds as a leader in medical innovation.

Dr Phil Wood, Chief Medical Officer, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust


Our work is focused on four 'grand challenges' that respond to unmet clinical needs and draw on our strengths and capabilities.

HealthTech Leeds brings together a wealth of talent to develop exciting technologies to address some of society’s biggest healthcare problems. It builds on the University’s international track-record in this area and strong relationship with the NHS Trust, streamlining the path to clinical translation with the potential for far-reaching global impact

Professor Nick Plant, Deputy-Vice Chancellor: Research & Innovation, University of Leeds

Facts and figures

150 of our academics work with medical technologies

One fifth of research at Leeds relates to medical technologies

Work with us

We work with organisations and people in the private, public and third sector to develop and deliver effective technologies that address real-life healthcare issues.

If you are a clinician, external academic, company or patient and are interested in working with us, please email our Research and Innovation Development Manager Simone Wilkes via

If you are an academic at the University of Leeds or a Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust clinician, you can join the Centre's Microsoft Teams group.

HealthTech Leeds and Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust logos.