Horizons Institute events

This page lists events hosted by the Horizons Institute and members of the research community. All events are open to anyone with an interest in the subject area.

Insight Series: Careering across disciplinary barriers

Tuesday 4 February, 11am – 12pm, online (Zoom)

Join Professor Chris Ponting for an exploration of how Interdisciplinary Research Culture should be improved, drawing upon the evidence gathered by X-Net and HxC projects. Chris will also offer a brief introduction to his own interdisciplinary career path, including outlining some of the challenges and pitfalls he has experienced along the way.

The Insight Series is designed to offer an opportunity to learn from interdisciplinary researchers, leaders and research professionals in an informal and online space. In each session, participants are invited to ask questions of our speakers – these can be submitted beforehand via email to horizons@leeds.ac.uk or can be asked during the session itself.

Fair Energy Futures sandpit

Wedneday 26 February, 9.30am – 1.30pm, Seminar Room B .08 The Parkinson Building

The Fair Energy Futures Sandpit, developed in collaboration with Energy Leeds, aims to bring together a range of researchers, interested in different aspects of the global transition to a fair energy future, to develop new approaches, research ideas and collaborations.

By focusing around a set of key questions or challenges, posed by early to mid-career researchers, the sandpit will enable researchers to:

  • develop new interdisciplinary approaches.
  • develop their understanding of relevant and related work going on across the university.
  • broaden their networks and identify potential new collaborations.

The sandpit will focus discussions around up to six challenges identified by early to mid-career researchers. These should address the global transition to a fair energy future, and might include, but are not limited to, the themes set out for Fair Energy Futures. Through a series of facilitated activities, participants will be encouraged to explore intersections between disciplines and identify new interdisciplinary approaches to tackle the challenges.

Refreshments will be provided in the morning and lunch will be available at 1pm for anyone who wishes to stay on.