Horizons Institute events

This page lists events hosted by the Horizons Institute and members of the research community – all events are open to those with an interest in the subject area.

Failspace: a practical workshop on learning from failure

Wednesday 26 June, 10am to 3pm, Venue to be confirmed 

Do you want to critically reflect on how learning can improve your way of working? Are you interested in, or required to do, evaluation of your work?

Join Dr Leila Jancovich and Kate Wafer, of Wafer Hadley, for this practical, in-person, workshop. The workshop is part of Failspace, an Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) funded research project, exploring how we can better recognise, acknowledge and learn from failure.

This is open colleagues that receive funding and to funding administrators within the University.

Please note, the workshop is limited to 20 spaces. If more than 20 people sign up, we will firstly ensure there are both funding recipients and administrators present, and then conduct a random draw.

Horizons Methods Link

Understanding research methodologies from different disciplines can be a way of breaking down disciplinary barriers and starting interdisciplinary conversations. 

Join us for these Methods Link sessions, where we will challenge researchers from different disciplines to find commonality in their research methods and see whether this commonality might present a way to work together.

  • Wednesday 26 June, 12 – 1pm, Online (Zoom) 
  • Monday 1 July, 12 – 1pm, Online (Zoom)
  • Tuesday, 9 July, 10.15 – 11.15am, Online (Zoom)
  • Wednesday 17 July, 1.30 – 3pm, 103 Clarendon Road, University of Leeds Campus

Developing inclusive research with older people

Wednesday 10 July, 12 – 1pm, Online 

Join Reimagine Ageing for a lunchtime webinar to hear from representatives from Leeds Older People’s Forum and Ethnic Minority Research Inclusion on the best ways to involve older people in research.

This event will explore how community organisations and research networks can help you develop your research to involve older people and be more inclusive, following our earlier event in May.

Reimagine Ageing Showcase

Wednesday 11 September, 9.30am – 3pm, Seminar Rooms, Nexus

The cross-faculty Reimagine Ageing Network has been established to draw together colleagues from across the University of Leeds and the wider community to develop novel, imaginative solutions to improve quality of life, functional capacity, and well-being of older people, creating the context for positive change.

The Showcase will be focused on the following themes:

  • Healthy Ageing, Digital and Healthcare Technology: Research that enriches existing and (co)develops new digital and assistive technologies to enable people in later years to grow older in healthier ways.
  • Healthy Ageing, Wellbeing, and Quality of life: Research that aims to understand the ageing process of both body and mind, and/or (co)develop, refine, and implement new ways to support health and wellbeing.
  • Healthy Ageing and Society: Research that aims to understand ageing with respect to socio-economic and cultural contexts to reduce health and social inequalities.

There will be keynote speakers, short oral presentations, poster presentations and a workshop to discuss the next phase of development for the Reimagine Ageing Network as it celebrates its first year and looks ahead to the future.

For the opportunity to present your work at the Showcase please submit abstracts via MS Forms for oral or poster presentations by Friday 5 July.