Horizons Institute events
This page lists events hosted by the Horizons Institute and members of the research community. All events are open to anyone with an interest in the subject area.
Insight Series: Careering across disciplinary barriers
Tuesday 4 February, 11am – 12pm, online (Zoom)
Join Professor Chris Ponting for an exploration of how Interdisciplinary Research Culture should be improved, drawing upon the evidence gathered by X-Net and HxC projects. Chris will also offer a brief introduction to his own interdisciplinary career path, including outlining some of the challenges and pitfalls he has experienced along the way.
The Insight Series is designed to offer an opportunity to learn from interdisciplinary researchers, leaders and research professionals in an informal and online space. In each session, participants are invited to ask questions of our speakers – these can be submitted beforehand via email to horizons@leeds.ac.uk or can be asked during the session itself.