Horizons Institute events

This page lists events hosted by the Horizons Institute and members of the research community. All events are open to anyone with an interest in the subject area.

Insight series: Navigating interdisciplinary research and its opportunities

Tuesday 4 March, 11am - 12pm, Online

Join Prof Barry C Smith for a webinar on navigating interdisciplinary research and the wealth of opportunities working in an interdisciplinary way can bring.

Barry is a British philosopher and director of the Institute of Philosophy at the School of Advanced Study at University of London. He also co-directs the Centre for the Study of the Senses. A philosopher of language and mind, his current research is on the multisensory nature of perceptual experience, focusing on taste, smell and flavour.

Polycrisis Network Seminar Series: Polycrises as organizational crises

Thursday 13 March, 12 – 1pm (GMT), Newlyn SR/Online

Speaker: Olivier Borraz, CNRS Research Professor, Director of the Crisis Lab, Centre for the Sociology of Organizations, Science Po, Paris, France

We live in societies saturated with organizations and organizing processes. This creates multiple challenges in terms of coordination and information-sharing, both in normal times and during crisis situations. Accordingly, in the latter case, crisis management refers to the capacity for organizations to navigate through complex and unstable organizational arrangements.

Join us for the first installment of the Polycrisis Network's Seminar Series to hear Prof. Borraz argue that organizational saturation in normal times is also a source of uncertainty and instability that fuels the emergence of crises. In other words, the multiplication of crises and their complex nature is a product of a society of organizations.

Prof Borraz will be dialling in from Paris to join us for the session. Those who attend in person will also be able to benefit from networking with the Network's Co-leads and other attendees following his presentation.

This is a hybrid event, once registered you will be sent a meeting appointment with details for in-person attendance and the online joining link.

Find out more about the Polycrisis Network

Spaces into Places guided walk

Tuesday 25 March, 10am – 4.15pm, Stage@Leeds to Meanwood Farm

Join the Spaces into Places team for a guided walk from the Alec Clegg Studio, Stage@Leeds, to Meanwood Valley Urban Farm.

This is an opportunity engage with arts-based research methods and experience how they change urban spaces into places. Along the way you’ll encounter a series of site-responsive performances and take part in creative activities led by artist Simon Whitehead. Tender Stones Studio will host a graphite workshop after a light lunch at The Barn Coffee Shop and the afternoon will conclude with a group discussion and clay sculpting.

The route will require you to walk across some uneven surfaces so appropriate footwear is advised. We will also be outside for the first two hours of the session so dress warmly and bring a waterproof. While every effort has been made to make this opportunity accessible, safe-guarding regulations at MVUF means that the afternoon’s workshop isn’t on the ground floor and there is no lift in the building.

Places are limited so please ensure you are available for the whole day. To book a spot email Ben Skinner pcubs@leeds.ac.uk and include a sentence about why this opportunity appeals to you.