Exams and transcripts
Find out how exams work for study abroad students at the University of Leeds and when you will receive your results and transcript.
Whilst you are studying at the University of Leeds, you will need to follow the exam policies and procedures set out by the Exams Office and your teaching school/s. This includes what to do if something has affected your studies or if you need to take a resit.
If you are a semester 1 only student and the examinations in January clash with teaching at your home institution, you can apply to take your University of Leeds exams at your home institution.
Receiving your results
Full-year students
You will be able to view your provisional January exam results on Minerva. These results remain provisional until the external exam board meetings in late June, so you will receive your final marks on an official transcript after results are published in the summer.
If your home institution wishes to see your exam results at the end of semester 1, you should send them a print-out of the information on Minerva.
Semester 1 students
Even if you leave Leeds in January, we cannot produce your official transcript until after results day in the summer. This is because the January exam results remain provisional until external exam board meetings in late June. We will email your official transcript to you and your home university.
We will produce a provisional transcript for all students who are studying at Leeds for semester 1 only. We will email this to your personal email address (as it is listed in the University’s computer system) in March.
Students taking postgraduate modules and IDEA33**
Results for postgraduate modules (coded 5xxxM) and modules coded IDEA33** are not usually made official until the November following the end of your stay in Leeds. This is because these modules are externally moderated in late October before the official finalised marks can be released in November. If you are taking postgraduate modules only then you will not receive an official transcript until November.
If you have taken a mixture of undergraduate and postgraduate modules, we will send you a transcript with your module marks in summer, but the postgraduate results will be provisional and could change.
We will automatically send you another transcript in November, which will show all your official results.
Receiving your transcript
We will email your official University of Leeds transcript to your personal email address as well as to your home university after final results are published.
If you have applied to Leeds via an agent or you are a student who has studied at Leeds via an Enhanced Partner Mobility Agreement (EPMA), we will email your transcript to your agent or EPMA partner institution, who will ensure you receive your Leeds transcript.
Students taking August resit exams
Your parent school will contact you after results day in July if you are eligible to resit any of your assessments.
If you apply to resit any examinations during the August resit period, we will send you a transcript in summer and an updated transcript showing your resit marks in October.
Understanding your transcript
Find out more about the University of Leeds marking scale for transcripts.
Please bear in mind that the transfer of credit ultimately rests with your home institution.
Copies of transcripts
Former students can order printed and extra copies of their transcripts. For more information about this, visit our life after study abroad page.