The most important thing from the pre-sessional was that it helped me to improve my critical thinking. In my Masters [MA Society, Culture and Media] we have to use our critical thinking to evaluate and analyse cultural phenomena.
During the pre-sessional course, I joined trips including one to Yorkshire Sculpture Park. It’s quite fascinating, and they have modern and ancient styles of sculpture.
The Language Zone [resource and study area for language learning] can also help you to learn other languages. I take Spanish as my second foreign language, and from the books and things here, I could improve my level to a new stage. They also organised some films, and I met a lot of Harry Potter fans through this, so it’s a great chance to extend our friendship circle and meet new people.
The pre-sessional is definitely worth it. If I could tell myself in the past, I’d say it’s a good idea because we can come here before our degree course, we have the chance to get familiar with Leeds, we can buy stuff we need, and make friends. In the pre-sessional course we have more time to spend together, and to have a social life.
The pre-sessional provided me with an opportunity to meet my future friends who make me feel happy and like I belong.
Chen studied Language for Communication and Society.