Tuhami Jamil Abdulquadin

Talking about
Postgraduate research pre-sessional English
Saudi Arabia

I chose the pre-sessional English course in Leeds because I heard they give a very good course to prepare students to start a PhD with a lot of knowledge. I also wanted to improve my academic writing and learn more about English language skills.

The skills I learnt on the pre-sessional course will help me when I go through my PhD research, for example, when I write my literature review.  

Outside of class, I use the University library to read books, and I also go to the Language Zone.

Tuhami studied Postgraduate pre-sessional English and Language for Postgraduate Research.


I am preparing to become a PhD student in the School of Earth and Environment at the University of Leeds.

My research interest is on subjects related to rock engineering geology problems, such as rock slope failures and rock cut design.


I hold a BSc in Engineering and Environmental Geology from the University of King Abdulaziz (2006), and an MSc in Engineering and Environmental Geology with focus on slope instability of rockfall from the University of King Abdulaziz (2014).

As a lecturer, I have six years experience at King Abdulaziz University. I have experience teaching students about engineering geology, physical geology, rock properties and soil properties.