University of Leeds joins Circular Fashion Innovation Network (CFIN)  University of Leeds joins Circular Fashion Innovation Network (CFIN)

UKFT, the British Fashion Council (BFC) and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) have recently launched the Circular Fashion Innovation Network (CFIN) to create an Industrial Scale Change Programme for the UK Fashion and Textile Industry through a lens of Circularity and Innovation.

The CFIN, which is co-chaired by BFC CEO, Caroline Rush and UKFT CEO, Adam Mansell, will sit under the Institute of Positive Fashion (IPF) and will bring together industry, innovators, investors, academia, and broader stakeholders through an action led roadmap to accelerate the UK to a leading Circular Fashion Economy.

As part of this announcement, we are thrilled to share that LITAC Director, Professor Steve Russell, has been hand-selected to sit on the CFIN Advisory Board.

The Advisory Board spans luxury, premium, high street, supermarket, and value led businesses as well as representatives from UKRI, Academia and NGOs. The role of the Advisory Board is to focus on the vision of the network, receive briefings from the Working Groups and to address scalability across the UK. The network’s action led road map will be developed in accordance with competition laws and other applicable laws and regulations.

The network will receive £1.8m which is jointly allocated to the BFC and UKFT to run the network, build the community, accelerate knowledge share to members and industry and to activate required industry-led research.