Amanda Iandolo

University of Calgary

Words cannot describe what this experience has meant to me, it has always been a dream of mine to study abroad in England, and I am so grateful that it was with LISS. Some of the great aspects of the program include phenomenal modules of study, along with fantastic tutors who have encouraged me academically, making me a better learner.

Along with the in class work, field trips relevant to the subject area are also included. I went to the coal mining museum with the Industrial Revolution module and to the Bronte parsonage with the British Literature module.

Those are only a few excursions I participated in, as the fabulous social assistants also set up many events on the weekend where we journeyed to York, and Whitby, while also doing more local activities.

The social assistants truly have made my time in Leeds amazing, they're so creative, engaging, and friendly. I couldn't ask for better people to share my time with, and have showing me around.

The beautiful thing about studying with LISS is that you meet people from all over the world who have the capability of helping shape who you are, and inevitably helping you carve the future ahead. I've met so many lovely people on my time abroad that I will always hold close to my heart.

I encourage anyone who is looking for an amazing academic, social, and explorative experience to take part in LISS, where I guarantee you will learn something new about yourself, and the world around you.