Our collaborations

Our network has collaborated with a range of partners for impactful projects and studies.

Northern Ballet – Dance evaluation

An evaluation project funded by the ESRC to examine the benefits of engagement in dance for young adults with learning difficulties. This project lasts 18 months and involves observation, focus groups and functional tests.

Iprospect – Stress when watching football

This project looked at a total of 25 Leeds United fans that had supported Leeds for an average of 22 years ranging from 2 to 62 years. Three games were analyzed with heart rate and blood pressure recorded pre match, at half time, and at the end of the match, baseline measures were also taken.

In addition, fans completed a stress questionnaire before each match and a selection of them took part in a focus group interview, after each match.

Optri-Nutra – Efficacy study on the use of nootropics

We have conducted a series of studies on the efficacy of the nootropic supplement MindPro. These studies have examined the impact of taking MindPro on information processing and memory.

In addition, we have also examined the impact of taking MindPro over an extended period of time and then monitored performance changes after ceasing to take the supplement for 2 months. 

HSL Chairs – The efficacy of a 7-point seating assessment for chair comfort

In this evaluation for HSL, we have examined the benefits of appropriate chair size on heart rate, blood pressure, blood flow and kinematics of the head and trunk to look at posture.


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