Health technologies

Emerging technologies offer innovative solutions to reduce sedentary behaviour, modify physical activity and dietary behaviours, and communicate health messages.

From digital phenotypes to artificial intelligence and wearable technology to remote diagnostics, network members are working on novel solutions to measure and modify physical activity and eating behaviours. They are developing and deploying technologies across a range of health and care settings to tackle the epidemic of physical inactivity and improve the health of the population.

Examples of focus areas include:

  • Mobile applications
  • Wearable technology 
  • Digital phenotypes 
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Healthcare/rehabilitation technologies 
  • Remote diagnostics

Researchers conducting health technologies research:

  • Anna Anderson (Leeds Institute of Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Medicine) - Digital tools for people with musculoskeletal conditions, Improving accessibility and inclusion in health research, Mixed methods research and evidence synthesis
  • Dr Sarah Astill (School of Biomedical Sciences) - Motor Learning; Upper Limb Rehabilitation; Spinal Cord Injury; Children with Developmental Disorders; Plasticity; Physical Activity
  • Professor David Beech (School of Medicine) - Calcium-permeable channels in health and disease
  • Dr Al Benson (School of Biomedical Sciences) - Computational modelling; Cardiac arrhythmias; Exercise intolerance.
  • Dr Laura Britten (School of Biomedical Sciences) - Physical Activity; Interventions; Dance; Wellbeing; Behaviour Change; Spinal Cord Injury; Upper Limb; Rehabilitation
  • Dr Shaunna Burke (School of Biomedical Sciences) - Physical activity; Psychosocial oncology; Quality of life; Qualitative research
  • Professor Philip Conaghan (School of Medicine) - Osteoarthritis; Rheumatoid arthritis; Psoriatic arthritis; Arthritis clinical trials; Arthritis therapeutics; Outcome measurement; Imaging
  • Dr Sarah Kingsbury (School of Medicine) - Osteoarthritis; Musculoskeletal disease; Orthopaedics; Clinical trials; Interventions; Care pathways; Pharmacoepidemiology; Health services
  • Dr Nik Lomax (School of Geography) - Demography; Population projection; Microsimulation; Internal migration; Consumer demand modelling
  • Professor Gretl McHugh (School of Healthcare) - Musculoskeletal conditions; Long-term conditions; Health services research; Health Visiting; Community Nursing.
  • Michelle Morris (School of Medicine) - Spatial and social variations in diet, lifestyle and health; Big and spatial data in health research; Food and activity data.
  • Dr Camilla Nykjaer (School of Biomedical Sciences) - Nutrition; Obesity; Technology to support weight loss; Maternal Dietary Patterns
  • Professor Rory O’Connor (School of Medicine) - Rehabilitation Medicine; Restorative Rehabilitation Technologies; Vocational Rehabilitation; Outcome Measurement; Psychometrics; Rasch Analysis; Long-term Conditions; Global Rehabilitation
  • Professor Anthony Redmond (School of Medicine) - Biomechanics; Imaging; Rheumatology; Orthopaedics; Hip; Knee; Ankle; Foot
  • Dr Maria Horne (School of Healthcare) - Health promotion; Behaviour change; Community & public health; Research; Mixed methodology; Qualitative research; Exercise & physical activity; Older adults; Ethnicity; Sexuality & intimacy.
  • Dr Liam Hill (School of Psychology) - Child Development; Cognitive and Motor Development; Academic Attainment; Neurodevelopmental Disorders; Fundamental Movement skills; Physical activity in learning
  • Professor James Stubbs (School of Psychology) - Appetite; Energy Balance; Measurement of Energy Balance Behaviours; Weight Management Interventions; Physiological and Behavioural Mechanisms of Energy Balance Control; Diet Composition and Satiety.
  • Dr Catherine Gibbons (School of Psychology) - Physical activity; Appetite control; Energy balance; Gut peptides; Obesity; Weight loss interventions; Anti-obesity Pharmaceutical products; Tracking technologies
  • Simon Walker (School of Biomedical Sciences) - Biomechanics; High-speed imaging; Image analysis; Matlab; Animal science; Flight
  • Fiona Kennedy (School of Medicine) - Psychosocial oncology; Quality of life; Cancer patients; Symptom reporting; Patient reported outcome measures (PROMs); Psychological wellbeing
  • Dr Aiquin Liu (School of Biological Sciences) - Joint replacement; Regenerative medicine; Experimental simulation; Biomechanics of knee replacement; Rehabilitation assistive technology
  • Fran Pontin (School of Geography) - The built environment; Levels of Physical activity and sedentary behaviour; Smartphone data collection
  • Dr Samit Chakrabarty (School of Biomedical Sciences) - Sensory motor neurophysiology; Medical technology; Closed loop stimulation systems; Rehabilitation

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