Vanessa Chua

BA Business Management

Hi, my name is Vanessa and I am a Business Management first-year student! I am from Singapore, and I studied in Tourism and Resort Management in Singapore Polytechnic before coming to the University of Leeds. 

I heard about the University of Leeds when I was searching for top business schools in the UK, and was also recommended to me by an agent helping with my application back in Singapore. Leeds University Business School (LUBS) is one of a small number of schools worldwide to be triple accredited by AACSB, AMBA and EQUIS, which signifies their reputation.

What sealed the deal for me were the unique modules that were available here that are not commonly, or not found in other schools such as the consultancy module in Year 3. As someone who is interested in all aspects of business, I felt that having a consultancy certification will enable me to widen my capabilities and expand my job scope. 

As a first-year student, I have recently experienced freshers’ week and what it is like studying in an overseas university. And all I can say is that it has been so fun, especially meeting new people every single week, attending different events and joining societies! I’ve really enjoyed my first month here in Leeds.

Everyone here is so kind and friendly, and I love getting to learn new cultures! It is really important to step out of your comfort zone and join events that you have never done before, because I guarantee that it will lead to new and amazing memories. 

In regards to the academic side, the lecturers are really friendly and are always there to lend a helping hand to anyone who needs it. The materials taught during lectures were easy to follow through, and even if they are not, there are always seminars and workshops where lecturers go through the content in more detail. It is easy to book a consultation slot with your lecturers as well. That is something that I find really helpful and am grateful for to the lecturers. 

My favourite thing about the university is the many areas where I am able to study and just hang out with friends. The university has four libraries, and I have yet to explore all of them, but the two that I frequent are such great places to study and to get things done.

Apart from the libraries, that are many work areas all around school, especially in the union where there are cafes and other eateries nearby to provide energy while studying. The coffee sold at the union is really good (in my opinion), and cheaper than those outside of school.

One thing that I found really helpful is the number of resources and help that the university's Careers Centre provides to students in terms of job prospects, career advice and reading materials.

The university organizes many events throughout the year, such as the career fair where students and employers from different businesses set up their booth in the university and students are able to converse with them and find out more. I recently went to the career fair where I learnt more about placement year and summer schools. This was really helpful to me as I am interested in taking a placement year. 

Leeds is a wonderful city to just walk around and take a breather. Coming from someone who does not walk much back home, I think the joy and curiousness you get living in a new city will make you want to explore the area, and just travel more in general. I have already been on a few trips and it has been so much fun!

I am currently staying in Central Village, which is a university accommodation right on campus and near the city centre. For me, the room size is just enough and you can definitely dry your clothes in the room. What I love most about the place is the kitchen, as it is big enough for my flat mates and I to host our friends over for dinner or games night once every week. This became one of the highlights of my week, knowing that I am able to just relax and eat good food after a long week of school.