Eunica Beatriz Riquixo

MA Global Development
Talking about
Volunteering at IntoUniversity

I am currently volunteering for IntoUniversity, which aims to improve access to higher education for students from unprivileged backgrounds in the United Kingdom. 

I have been volunteering since November 2022 as a student mentor, where I’ve had the opportunity to act as a positive role model and help young people develop social, academic and career skills.

Reasons to volunteer

I have been volunteering since childhood and I always benefited from that, personally and professionally. When I arrived in the United Kingdom to start my Masters degree, I wanted to volunteer for an organisation that is linked with my life mission and career experience – to help ensure access to quality education for all.  

Volunteering is one of the most meaningful ways to expand our perception of the world and to leave a legacy for future generations.

Eunica Beatriz Riquixo

The opportunity is helping to enhance my capability to interact with younger students, and promote a safe space for them to be creative and express any insecurities. I am also learning a lot through interaction with IntoUniversity staff, which helps me to understand how the not-for-profit sector functions in the UK. That will help me to implement some of the strategies in my home country.

Eunica mentoring a student in a school.

Eunica has been mentoring a young student with IntoUniversity.


Within the workload of a Masters student, volunteering has helped me to take some time off from my studies. That is crucial to maintain physical and mental health.

I am learning new key skills such as intercultural communication, active listening, creativity, session facilitation and goal setting which are crucial for any career journey. I also have the opportunity to attend exclusive group meetings, that provide me the opportunity to network with other university students. 

Forming an award-winning bond

My favourite part of my volunteering role has been the challenge of mentoring a young male student. Learning how many boys communicate and perceive the world has been amazing.

We created a unique handshake that we do every session, and that is helping us to strengthen our bond. This led us to win one of the mentees contests, with a lot of chocolates as a prize.

Eunica smiling with a school-age student.

Eunica formed a special bond with her mentee.

Advice for future volunteers

Volunteering is not a “one-way experience”, since it can help you to have a sense of purpose and explore career pathways, through hands-on work. 

The support and resources that I received from IntoUniversity allowed me to plan my sessions in advance and balance my studies. I tried to prioritise all my mentoring sessions, and I received enough support to find the best time to volunteer, based on my academic schedule.

Volunteering is a life-changing experience that I believe every student should have, since it helps you to make a positive impact on people’s lives and discover your passions. 

More information about volunteering

Read more student profiles about volunteering
Find out more about volunteering opportunities as a student at Leeds

If you’re a not-for-profit organisation in Leeds that would benefit from student volunteers, email the Volunteering Team at