Amrita Chattoraj

MSc Accounting and Finance
Talking about
Volunteering for Burmantofts Community Friends

As a dedicated volunteer for Burmantofts Community Friends starting from November 2023, I've had the privilege of engaging with senior adult members of the community. This vibrant organisation offers a variety of clubs and activities throughout the week, aimed at enhancing the quality of life for older adults.

My primary responsibility is to facilitate the Breakfast Club, which takes place every Monday. This gathering serves as an opportunity for senior community members to enjoy a delightful breakfast, while fostering meaningful social interactions. The club provides a space for members to combat loneliness, make new friends, and enjoy a sense of community.

In my role, I strive to create a warm and welcoming environment for all. This includes answering any questions people may have, assisting with technical concerns, serving breakfast, and ensuring their comfort throughout the event. My focus is on supporting and guiding members, helping them feel at ease, and contributing to a positive and inclusive experience.

By providing attentive and compassionate service, I aim to enhance the wellbeing and sense of belonging of the senior members of Burmantofts Senior Action – making their time at the Breakfast Club both enjoyable and meaningful.

Personal and professional development

Volunteering is a deeply fulfilling experience, as it allows me to contribute positively to the lives of those around me.

I take great satisfaction in supporting and engaging with senior adults, providing them with a sense of community and belonging that can sometimes be lacking in their lives. While there are many programs and activities designed for younger people, it is equally important to address the needs of our senior community, who may sometimes feel overlooked.

I am continually learning to understand and appreciate diverse perspectives.

Amrita Chattoraj

By volunteering with Burmantofts Community Friends, I have the opportunity to ensure that older adults feel seen, valued, and supported. This experience not only benefits them, but also contributes significantly to my personal and professional development. It hones my problem-solving abilities, enhances my communication and attention to detail, and strengthens my empathetic approach.

Working with the senior community also cultivates my hospitality and approachability, allowing me to foster a welcoming and inclusive environment. By embracing these opportunities, I am continually learning to understand and appreciate diverse perspectives, which contributes to my growth as a more compassionate and well-rounded individual.

Finding my place through volunteering

Volunteering has had a profound impact on my wellbeing, significantly contributing to my personal and professional growth.

As an international student in the UK, I initially faced the challenges of being far from home and adjusting to a new environment. However, my involvement with Burmantofts Community Friends has provided me with a sense of belonging and purpose, enriching my social life and enhancing my overall experience.

This exposure has made me more open minded and has encouraged me to embrace life with greater appreciation and enthusiasm.

Amrita Chattoraj

Witnessing the senior community members enjoy their lives and engage in meaningful activities has been uplifting. It has broadened my perspective, allowing me to appreciate the beauty in simple moments and cherish the wisdom and experiences that each individual brings to the table. This exposure has made me more open minded and has encouraged me to embrace life with greater appreciation and enthusiasm.

Amrita Chattoraj and Priya Varghese.

Additionally, the opportunity to interact with a diverse group of people from various backgrounds has enriched my cultural understanding and expanded my horizons. Sharing stories and experiences with others has fostered a deeper connection to different parts of the world and different walks of life, making my journey in the UK both rewarding and memorable.

Volunteering has also had a positive influence on my mental health and overall outlook, as it has provided me with a supportive community and valuable insights into different perspectives on life. It is an experience I am truly grateful for and one that continues to shape me into a more compassionate and well-rounded individual.

Memorable moments

One of the most enjoyable aspects of my volunteering experience with Burmantofts Community Friends has been the multitude of small, yet memorable moments I’ve shared with the senior community. These create a sense of warmth and camaraderie that I deeply cherish.

For example, there was a humorous instance when I asked a member for their name to become more familiar with them. The member introduced herself as "Tam," and then pointed to another member, saying, "His name is Tim." This led to a playful remark about sounding like the popular "Tim-Tam" biscuit, which sparked laughter among the group. Such light-hearted interactions highlight the easy-going and joyful atmosphere that characterises the community.

This role has provided me with countless rewarding moments and a deeper appreciation for the value of community and connection.

Amrita Chattoraj

Another cherished memory was observing the members dress up for the Christmas event in festive, colourful attire and fun props. This spirited display emphasised the importance of infusing life with excitement and creativity, even through simple, joyful activities.

Overall, the members of the community have been welcoming, entertaining, and engaging, sharing their life stories and unique experiences during our breakfast gatherings. I feel privileged to be part of such a vibrant group and contribute to their happiness and wellbeing. This role has provided me with countless rewarding moments and a deeper appreciation for the value of community and connection.

Advice for future volunteers

I would highly encourage other students to consider volunteering as a fulfilling and enriching experience. Volunteering provides an opportunity to make a meaningful impact in the community while gaining valuable personal and professional skills.

Volunteering also fosters essential skills such as responsibility, accountability, teamwork, and effective communication.

Amrita Chattoraj

Engaging with diverse groups of people offers a therapeutic and joyful experience that can be likened to finding a "home away from home." Building connections with individuals from various backgrounds, learning about different cultures and traditions, and sharing light-hearted moments can create a sense of belonging and camaraderie.

Volunteering also fosters essential skills such as responsibility, accountability, teamwork, and effective communication. These experiences contribute to one's personal growth and development, fostering a more grounded and humble approach to life.

While balancing volunteering with other academic and personal commitments may present challenges, the supportive community I am part of has made it manageable. They understand the demands of academic life and offer flexibility when exams or deadlines approach. By volunteering on alternate Mondays, I’ve maintained a healthy balance between my own obligations and my commitment to the community.

In summary, volunteering is a highly rewarding endeavour that not only benefits the community but also provides students with a wealth of experiences and opportunities for growth. It is an experience I would recommend to anyone looking to expand their horizons and make a positive difference in the world.

More information about volunteering

Read more student profiles about volunteering
Find out more about volunteering opportunities as a student at Leeds

If you’re a not-for-profit organisation in Leeds that would benefit from student volunteers, email the Volunteering Team at