Masters profiles

Name Profile information
Abeer Alaydi MSc International Business
Ahmed Oshinibosi A Lead Engineer at Bentley Motors and University of Leeds alumni mentor
Amrita Chattoraj Volunteering for Burmantofts Community Friends
Ben Li MA English Literature
Beth Peacock MSc Biopharmaceutical Development
Edoardo Bono Alumnus and founder of Help for Optimism
Eunica Beatriz Riquixo MA Global Development
Haleemah Alaydi MA Writing for Performance and Publication
Helen McGlashan Volunteering with Lifelong Learning
Ishan Lee MA Advertising and Marketing
Libby Chilton MA Fashion, Enterprise and Society
Liberty Maher MA Advertising and Design
Nana Abena Ametepe MSc Transport Planning
Nathaniel Brown MA Design
Priya Varghese Volunteering for Burmantofts Community Friends
Sarah Hattee Physiotherapist with the Rugby Football Union