New report showcases civic links between University and Council
The power of research at the University of Leeds in supporting the important work of Leeds City Council has been highlighted, thanks to a new report.
The power of research at the University of Leeds in supporting the important work of Leeds City Council has been highlighted, thanks to a new report.
Care leavers may need extra support when accessing university and during their time studying. Leeds offers a wide range of help, from bursaries to bedding.
Drugs prescribed to high-risk stroke patients are costing the NHS hundreds of millions each year – but they are so effective, the service is actually saving money.
Scientists have created synthetic soft surfaces with tongue-like textures for the first time using 3D printing.
Gold nanotubes – tiny hollow cylinders one thousandth the width of a human hair – could be used to treat mesothelioma, a type of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos fibres, say researchers.
Schools are being urged to support a study to help determine the effect of the national lockdown on children’s learning.
The University has appointed Professor Nick Plant as its new Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation.
A major scientific study has been launched to understand the risks of COVID-19 transmission on buses and trains - and to identify the best measures to control it.
Weather forecasters can more accurately predict when a tornado is likely to hit the UK thanks to a new tool devised in a partnership between the University of Leeds and the Met Office.
Two Leeds researchers have been accepted into a prestigious scheme to further their work in climate change and searching for habitable worlds in space.