Paul Emery, Arthritis Research UK Professor of Rheumatology and Head of Academic Section of Musculoskeletal Medicine at Leeds has won the prestigious Carol Nachman Prize for rheumatology.
This is the highest honour awarded to a rheumatologist, and Professor Emery is only the second person in the U.K. to be given this honour. Sponsored by the German city of Wiesbaden, the Carol-Nachman Prize is granted annually in recognition of outstanding, innovative research in rheumatology.
The award is to be used to promote clinical and experimental research in the different fields of rheumatology. Professor Emery has previously received the Roche Biennial Award of Clinical Rheumatology, the Rheumatology Hospital Doctor of the Year award 1999, and EULAR prize 2002 for outstanding contribution to Rheumatology research.
Professor Emery's research interests centre around the immunopathogenesis and immunotherapy of rheumatoid arthritis and connective tissue diseases. He has a special interest in the factors leading to persistent inflammation and is a founder member of ERAS, LEAP (Leeds Early Arthritis Project) and YEAR (Yorkshire Early Arthritis Register) and the Leeds Musculoskeletal Imaging Group. He has published over 750 peer reviewed articles in this area.
Visit the Carol Nachman Prize website
Further information:
Contact: University of Leeds Press Office, +44 113 343 4031 or email pressoffice@leeds.ac.uk