
Early childhood problems linked to school absenteeism

Wednesday 26th June, 2024
Society & Politics

Children who are not considered “school ready” are more than twice as likely to become persistently absent at some point in their education, according to a new study led by the University of Leeds.

a rear view of a parent and a young child arriving outside a school

‘Urgent’ need to boost school-based support for families

Wednesday 15th May, 2024
Society & Politics

A report co-led by the University of Leeds calls for joined up support around schools and nurseries to reduce absences, tackle the impact of poverty and boost children’s readiness for the day.

Rack of book bags and coats on pegs

Placing schools at forefront of child poverty work

Tuesday 19th March, 2024
Society & Politics

The government must form a national plan to tackle child poverty with schools and nurseries at the forefront, the authors of a new report say.

Children in a classroom raising their hands

Celebrating Muslims in the North

Friday 8th March, 2024
Society & Politics

Trailblazing contributions of Muslims living and working in the North of England are being celebrated in a new museum display, based on University of Leeds research.

Top image: Professor Ghazala Mir, Chair in Health Equity and Inclusion at the University of Leeds, who is featured in the exhibition.

Training park staff to increase women's safety

Friday 8th March, 2024
Society & Politics

Parks staff and volunteers in West Yorkshire are being trained to intervene when they spot cases of discrimination, harassment or bullying in public spaces.

Four women walk along a tree-lined path in Clarence Park, Wakefield.

Conference calls for cuckooing to be criminalised

Monday 29th January, 2024
Society & Politics

There will be calls for cuckooing to be made a criminal offence at the first ever major conference on the issue at the University of Leeds.

A silhouetted figure stands in front of a window