University of Leeds academics are today leading calls for a change in government policy and social service provision, at a conference on social mobility in Westminster.
'Understanding and supporting families over time' will bring together academics, practitioners and third sector organisations to establish recommendations for ensuring that children from the poorest backgrounds get equal access to education and career opportunities.
Frank Field MP, leading charity Barnados, policymakers from the Department of Health and Graham Allan MP will also give their views at the conference, which runs from the 13th-14th June.
All invited participants will pool knowledge and expertise gained from decades of first-hand experience working closely with young people from low income backgrounds.
With members of the policy, third sector and academic communities making up the audience the conference is hoping to have a big impact. It is being arranged by Timescapes, a large scale research project which is based at the University of Leeds, the Social Policy Association and the Family and Parenting Institute.
Professor Bren Neale, from the University of Leeds, said: ''This exciting conference will bring together leading researchers, policy makers and practitioners to explore how we may better understand and support families over time. We are very happy to have Frank Field on board who is leading the way in the social mobility debate.
For families coping with complex needs, social exclusion or with other kinds of disadvantage, there are particular challenges for policy and professional practice that this conference will seek to address.''
Read the Guardian's coverage of some of the research presented at the conference
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