

University of Leeds statement: Teaching and learning in the 2021/22 academic year.

All of our students will have a substantial and sustained on-campus education throughout the coming academic year, with face-to-face teaching being the default for seminars, tutorials, workshops, practical classes, performance activities and discussion groups (subject to any requirements imposed by Government and/or by law). We will also provide opportunities and space for informal social and group learning on campus, and support and encourage on-campus co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. 

Larger teaching activities will be online, using digital technologies to augment learning and increase access and flexibility. Our approach recognises the ongoing uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and also has benefits for our students including making large classes more accessible and inclusive. Our University’s 10-year strategy sets out our ambition to engage students as partners in their education, through active and inclusive approaches to learning, underpinned and enhanced by sector-leading digital resources, teaching and technologies.