The University has seen a £12 million boost in research council awards during 2016/17 according to a Times Higher Education (THE) magazine analysis.
The magazine* also sets out that the University's success rate for the number of awards increased by nine per cent to 32 per cent the highest percentage increase among the top 10 universities ranked in a table it produced.
The Times Highers figures show that the increase in research council awards during the year took Leeds' total to nearly £52.4 million.
According to the figures, this positions Leeds as the second highest recipient of research council funding north of Cambridge.
Responding to the analysis, Professor Lisa Roberts, Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research and Innovation, said: Alongside significant success this year from the Global Challenges Research Fund, we have seen an overall increase in new awards and larger awards; this analysis by the Times Higher is further evidence that we are making really strong progress in increasing research awards.
"Our success reflects the expertise and efforts of our entire research community and is well deserved. It also shows the importance of supporting our researchers at all levels, with particular emphasis on supporting large and interdisciplinary bids.
Its important that we take pride in this success and keep up the ambition as I am sure there is further potential to unlock as I look at Leeds considerable research power.
Professor Roberts published a plan to produce a step change in research quality, impact and income earlier this year.
Further information
*To best view the article, use Google Chrome browser. The article contains a table which does not display correctly using Internet Explorer browser.
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