Engineering leaders from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) visited the University this week to find out more about the breadth of engineering research taking place here.
Dr Andrew Lawrence and his team met Leeds researchers who are working across disciplines to tackle challenges. These include:
- Using computational fluid dynamics to predict indoor air movement so that we can help hospitals to make informed decisions about both patient comfort and infection control.
- Working across disciplines to conduct research in robotics, including: medical robotics to improve surgery and, rehabilitation and field and infrastructure robotics to build robots that can fix broken streetlights and potholes. Much of this research takes place in our national Robotics Facility, backed by the EPSRC, as part of the Governments drive to improve Britains international competitiveness in robotics.
- Working towards discovering, creating and designing new materials in the Bragg Centre for Materials Research, which brings together scientists and engineers across a wide range of disciplines to pursue both fundamental and applied research. Scientists in the Bragg Centre recently created the worlds thinnest gold, which is just two atoms thick.
Other research areas that were discussed include: medical technologies through which we are developing innovative technological solutions for improving health and restoring body function; functional surfaces including tribology, corrosion and surface engineering; and data analytics.
As part of the visit, delegates met students who are studying at our EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Fluid Dynamics. Over five years, 50 students are conducting research study in all areas of fluid dynamics to both understand more about the discipline and to learn research methods that will be applicable in R&D for many years to come.
Dr Andrew Lawrence, Head of Engineering at the EPSRC, said: There is a broad spectrum of engineering research happening at Leeds, and it is inspiring to see how the University is breaking down boundaries and working across traditional disciplines to create innovative engineering solutions to societal challenges.
Professor Nora de Leeuw, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences said: We have a strong partnership with the EPSRC and it is our pleasure to welcome the delegation here today to showcase a small selection of the interdisciplinary projects we are currently working on.
As well as providing an environment that enables colleagues to work across disciplines, we are also dedicated to helping our early career researchers to thrive and succeed.
Our support mechanisms include the Doctoral College which brings together support and opportunities to enhance the postgraduate experience; and the Crucible Programme which breaks down barriers between disciplines and enables people to develop novel ideas and methods.
Further information
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