A new study involving the University has found that since the first coronavirus lockdown the number of people diagnosed with bowel cancer in England has fallen sharply.
Between April and October 2020, more than 3,500 fewer patients than expected were diagnosed with bowel cancer in England. Since bowel cancer is more likely to be curable if it is detected at an early stage, these results suggest that many patients, whose diagnosis has yet to be made, may die unnecessarily.
Co-author Dr Katie Spencer said: As a result of the coronavirus pandemic first wave, the NHS National Bowel Cancer Screening Programme was paused, and surgical capacity to treat patients was limited.
It is very concerning that the improvements we had been seeing because of the early detection of bowel cancer are likely to have been set back during this time, and we need to ensure that patients continue to come forward so we can keep making progress in fighting this disease.
The results are published today in The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology.
The research was carried out by a team of clinicians and academic researchers from across the UK, including from the University of Oxford, University of Leeds and the University of Newcastle.
For this study, the researchers assessed the patterns of referral for bowel cancer investigation, diagnosis and treatment within the English NHS from 1 January 2019 to 31 October 2020.
The results showed that, compared with an average month in 2019, during April 2020 at the peak of the first wave of coronavirus:
- the monthly number of referrals by GPs to hospital clinics for investigation of possible bowel cancer reduced by 63% (from 36,274 to 13,440);
- the number of colonoscopies performed fell by 92% (from 46,441 to 3,484); and
- the monthly number of people with confirmed bowel cancer referred for treatment fell by 22% (from 2,781 to 2,158), and the number of operations performed fell by 31% from (2,003 to 1,378).
This is the first study to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the diagnosis and management of bowel cancer across England.
These results reflect serious disruption in the normal identification and treatment of patients with bowel cancer, said lead author of the study Professor Eva Morris from the Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford.
Early diagnosis is key to obtaining the best survival for bowel cancer so these delays in diagnosis are likely to have severe consequences on survival rates from the disease.
More than 90% of patients diagnosed with bowel cancer at Stage I of the disease survive for at least five years, compared with only 10% of patients diagnosed at Stage IV.
The study was funded by Cancer Research UK and Yorkshire Cancer Research. Further support was provided by Public Health England, Health Data Research UK, NHS Digital and Bowel Cancer UK.
Recommendations making an impact
Whilst the overall picture provides cause for concern, Leeds researchers were encouraged to see that the NHS managed to rapidly adapt services to deliver care safely, in particular by focusing care towards radiotherapy treatment where this was appropriate. This follows recommendations of the best way to treat rectal cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic, which were published in April, led by Professor David Sebag-Montefiore, Professor of Clinical Oncology at the University of Leeds and Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.
Professor Sebag-Montefiore, who co-authored the new study, said: Earlier this year an international team of cancer experts worked around the clock to publish recommendations for treating rectal cancer in a way that would reduce the burden on health care systems, and reduce the risk to patients, both from their cancer and COVID-19.
Radiotherapy treatment has continued during COVID-19 for patients with rectal cancer. During the first wave the use of radiotherapy for rectal cancer increased by 44% and it is likely that some patients received radiotherapy as their first treatment due to the lack of surgical capacity.
We also found that treatment was adapted to minimise the risk of coronavirus transmission. For instance, during the first wave of COVID-19 there was a fourfold increase in the use of a shorter, higher dose one-week course of radiotherapy for bowel cancer patients, instead of a five-week course of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
The use of a shorter course of radiotherapy ensured patients received effective treatment that minimised the risk of COVID-19 infection, an approach recommended by our international team.
This work reflects the significant expertise in radiotherapy in Leeds, in the Leeds Cancer Research Centre and in the Leeds Cancer Research UK Radiotherapy Research Centre of Excellence. Crucial to the success of this research is the close relationship between the University and Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.
Continued monitoring important
The study shows that the first lockdown had a short-term impact on the numbers of people being treated. Unfortunately, treatment rates had only just returned to normal by October and, with the pressure the NHS is currently under as a result of the second surge of COVID-19 cases, it seems likely that diagnostic and treatment rates may have fallen again.
The researchers are continuing to monitor these figures to inform decisions about treatment and help ensure that the issue of undetected and untreated colorectal cancer in England is addressed.
Professor Sir Mike Richards, a trustee of Cancer Research UK which helped fund the research, said: Far fewer patients with symptoms suggestive of bowel cancer were referred to hospital during the first wave of the pandemic. This may have been linked to fear about catching the virus and to the governments call to stay at home and protect the NHS. Diagnoses and treatments were therefore delayed, with a likely adverse impact on cancer survival.
Brian Nicholson, a GP involved in the study, said: This study shows that during the pandemic the NHS has changed pathways to create capacity to ensure they can still treat patients with colorectal cancer rapidly. Hospital services and GPs have taken care to develop safer ways of working to reduce the risk of infection. If people have symptoms like altered bowel habit or blood in their poo that may suggest bowel cancer, they must talk to their GPs as soon as possible as early diagnosis saves lives. We need to get this message out there.
Keith Dawber is someone who has been directly affected. He experienced a change in his bowel habit in March 2020 but his GP surgery was closed and he had to wait until June to speak to his doctor over the telephone. He said: My symptoms started at a really bad time as I couldnt speak to my GP straightaway and as the months went by I was seeing more blood in my stool.
In June I was able to speak to my doctor who referred me for further testing and, in August 2020, I was diagnosed with stage 3 bowel cancer. I had surgery followed by chemotherapy, which I finished on Christmas Eve. Im now waiting for a scan to see if I need further treatment.
Genevieve Edwards, Chief Executive at Bowel Cancer UK, said: This research shows the clear impact of the pandemic on bowel cancer patients, and ultimately, their long-term chances of survival. It also highlights the unintended consequences of the stay at home message and the impact of the temporary disruption to bowel cancer screening and diagnostic services. Sadly, for many, that will have meant a later diagnosis and poorer outcomes as a result.
NHS staff have worked incredibly hard to keep vital cancer services going, and the NHS continues to be open for anyone worried about symptoms. But it needs additional resources to withstand the pressures caused by the new variant coronavirus sweeping the country, or cancer services and the patients that rely on them will suffer in the months ahead.
Further information
- For interview requests please contact press officer Simon Moore in the University of Leeds press office on s.i.moore@leeds.ac.uk
- The paper, titled Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the detection and management of colorectal cancer in England: a population- based study, was published in The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology and is available online.