Video transcript: Get Ready for the Future with a Foundation Year at the University of Leeds

Transcript for the video embedded on the page Now I’m here. Ready for my future (Jack’s story)

(Jack is stood outside of the Leeds University Union)

Jack says: Now I’m here. You can be too.

(Exterior footage of various buildings on the University of Leeds campus)

(Jack is in a study space in the Maurice Keyworth building)

Jack says: My name is Jack and I’m studying at The Leeds University Business School. I’ve always felt a special connection to Leeds and after a few personal setbacks, the Foundation Year at the University of Leeds gave me the opportunity to succeed. I got all the support I needed to make the most of my time at Leeds. Now I’m here, finding my feet.

(Jack is practicing jiu jitsu with his team members)

Jack says: Discovering jiu jitsu has given me a support network for anything that life could throw at me. I joined a community that was up for a laugh and always had my back. As president of the team, I gained the confidence to take myself to the next level. Now I’m here, leading the way.

(Jack is with a group of students)

(Jack is walking down university precinct to meet David, a member of staff, outside on a bench)

Jack says: I’ve received support from my mentor, David, all throughout my university experience. David called before I started to welcome me onto the Foundation Year program. He’s been with me all the way, and now I’m in my final year, he’s even coming to my graduation. Now I’m here, ready for my future. 

(Jack is stood outside of the Leeds University Union)

Jack says: Now I’m here. You can be too.