Video transcript — Why I recommend the online Sustainable Business Leadership MSc: A transformative learning experience

Video transcript for ‘Why I recommend the online Sustainable Business Leadership MSc: A transformative learning experience’, embedded on the I-Hsui Lin's student profile page

(An animation of a laptop opening is shown, with the words ‘Online Sustainable Business Leadership MSc’ on the laptop screen. ‘Student testimonials’ is typed into a search bar shown on the laptop screen.) 

(I-Hsui Lin, a Sustainable Business Leadership MSc graduate, is shown on screen.) 

I-Hsui Lin: I'm truly surprised by how supportive the module facilitators are. Yeah, they're not just professionals in their fields, but they are also very skilled at fostering student engagement.  

All of the lecturers are really willing to help, and they always provide very great support to provide further reading materials.  

(The animation of the laptop screen reappears on the screen, showing the question ‘How did you find the support from your supervisor?’ being typed into a search bar. I-Hsui Lin then reappears on screen.) 

I-Hsui Lin: I truly appreciated the support from my supervisor. Yeah, she was brilliant, and she's very professional, and she's very good at encouraging me to go further for my research.  

(The animation of the laptop screen reappears on the screen, showing the question ‘Did you find the course flexible?’ being typed into a search bar. I-Hsui Lin then reappears on screen.) 

I-Hsui Lin: The online programme helps overcome the special constraints, like we have come from different countries, different regions, to balance their name and work.  

(The animation of the laptop screen reappears on the screen, showing the question ‘How were you supported by your cohort?’ being typed into a search bar. I-Hsui Lin then reappears on screen.) 

I-Hsui Lin: There's a chat group between cohort and this really support our journey, because we could share our feelings or frustrations. I think it's the discussion board that truly immersed me in the programme.  

Yeah, it motivated me to dive deeper into the materials and to find ways to contribute to the discussions. If you can participate, you will get more familiar with the module content, and you will get more familiar with your peers. And I think this is very important.  

(The animation of the laptop screen reappears on the screen, showing the question ‘What would you say to prospective students?’ being typed into a search bar. I-Hsui Lin then reappears on screen.) 

I-Hsui Lin: If I got the chance, I would like to invite everybody to study in Leeds. It’s a very nice school, and very professional professors, and very supportive. I had a really good time here.  

(The video ends showing the animation of the laptop being closed. The screen shows the University of Leeds logo.)