Parents and carers

Supporting a student as a parent or carer

We understand that as a parent, carer or guardian of someone who is thinking of studying at the University of Leeds, you may have your own questions about the University and higher education.

These pages provide information, advice and resources about the processes and considerations when applying to university. 

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Information and advice

  • Tips for parents

    Learn more about the ways you can help, from researching universities, right through to preparing for life at Leeds.

    Students and their parents walking on campus at an open day
  • Parents' FAQs

    We have compiled a list of questions which are frequently asked by parents.

    Great hall and Parkinson building

Contact us

For legal reasons we do not generally discuss students with their parents or guardians, partners or other family members. 

We may occasionally provide family members with general information relating to the types of support we offer but we will not share information about a student unless we have permission to do so. The decision to share will always be made in consultation with the student involved.

For further information regarding the University, our events and services, parents can  contact our Education Outreach Team by emailing