Policy leaders
We have a wide diversity of policy engagement happening across all Faculties at the University of Leeds, involving researchers at every stage, from early-career through to established Professors.
The profiles below showcase a fraction of the work happening here, highlighting the many different ways Leeds researchers engage with policy. These researchers have joined Policy Leeds to form our policy leaders' network, helping us to raise the profile of policy engagement at Leeds, and leading by example to inspire others to get involved.
Please use the following links for the full policy profiles.
Dr Carrie Bradshaw, School of Law

I have a background in environmental law, especially waste and climate change. I am particularly interested in the role of corporations (with a focus on supermarkets) in society, and my current research examines the ways in which food waste is framed as a legal and policy problem. Read Dr Carrie Bradshaw's full profile.
Dr Stuart W. Flint, School of Psychology

My background is in psychology with a specific interest and expertise in the psychosocial effects of obesity, weight stigma and discrimination. I contribute research evidence and support the design, delivery and evaluation of activities to influence policy-related actions related to obesity and wider public health. Read Dr Stuart W. Flint's full profile.
Professor Cristina Leston-Bandeira, School of Politics and International Studies

My research focuses on the relationship between parliaments and citizens, particularly public and digital engagement. I am interested in the methods parliaments have developed to engage with the public, with a focus on petitions. I also regularly give evidence to parliaments in the area of public engagement. Read Professor Cristina Leston-Bandeira's full profile.
Professor Greg Marsden, Institute for Transport Studies

My expertise is in climate and energy policy in the transport sector, and I have researched issues surrounding the design and implementation of new policies for over 20 years. I am also currently working on integrating a new place based approach to decarbonising transport. Read Professor Greg Marsden's full profile.
Dr Cat Scott, School of Earth and Environment

My work explores how trees can contribute to mitigating climate change and meeting targets set in the Paris Agreement on Climate. Our research has informed the White Rose Forest Strategy for Leeds and we are now working with local authorities across the broader White Rose Forest region. Read Dr Cat Scott’s full profile.
Dr Jasjit Singh, School of Philosophy, Religion and the History of Science

My research focuses on processes of religious and cultural transmission in the lives of British South Asians, in particular British Sikhs. I have written expert reports on Sikh media and for legal firms dealing with asylum cases relating to Afghan Sikhs, and worked on guidance with the Home Office. Read Dr Jasjit Singh's full profile.
Professor Ben Walmsley, School of Performance and Cultural Industries

I have published widely in leading journals on arts marketing, arts management and cultural policy. I am Director of the Centre for Cultural Value which strives to make academic research more accessible to the cultural sector and place culture at the heart of local, regional and national policymaking across the UK. Read Professor Ben Walmsley's full profile.