Researcher development

We continually invest in academic talent and provide an environment that enables our researchers to thrive and succeed. 

Crucible programme

We run the Crucible Programme at Leeds which is designed as a development programme for early career academics. Participants are sought from across the University to break down barriers between disciplines. Time and space away from the ‘day job’ allows people to develop novel ideas and methods. External speakers are invited to provoke challenge-led research ideas using creative thinking approaches. 

The outcomes are wide-ranging and include:

  • developing new research skills
  • gaining experience of commercialisation
  • collaborating with new partners to enable novel research projects, new publications and becoming involved in national committees

University Academic Fellows (UAFs)

We have recently recruited 180 University Academic Fellows (UAFs). These are future research leaders who follow a structured five year development and induction programme leading to a permanent position at the level of Associate Professor and Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. 

Future Leader Fellows

The UK Research and Innovation Future Leaders Fellowships is an initiative to grow the strong supply of talented individuals needed to ensure a vibrant environment for research and innovation in the UK. 

University of Leeds researchers have been awarded Future Leader Fellowships in each of the cohorts so far. 

Cohort 7

  • Dr Josie South – Upscaling Invasion Impact Prediction
  • Dr Mark Hopkins – Examining the biological mechanisms that Underline the drive to eat in humans
  • Dr Jess Baker – Climate Recovery and Adaptation Potential of Forests in the Tropics

Cohort 6 

Cohort 5 

Cohort 4 

Cohort 3 

Cohort 2 

Cohort 1 

Michael Beverley Innovation Fellowship Programme

This unique 12-month fellowship programme aims to build innovation culture and develop the next generation of academic entrepreneurs at the University of Leeds. 

The fellowship will help early to mid-career researchers to contribute to the strategic direction of research and innovation within their faculty; deliver impact through their research on society, policy and business; and further their personal development.

Fellows will have access to an inspiring network of trusted business experts, senior academics and University of Leeds alumni, through our Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) based mentoring programme, which matches a dedicated group of three mentors to every one fellow. 

In becoming a Michael Beverley Innovation Fellow, not only will these academics be accelerating their own research journey, they will also be a part of the creation of an outward facing and entrepreneurial culture which will become a USP for the University, and will build the reputations of both the University and the city of Leeds as destinations where entrepreneurs can thrive.

Find out more about the Michael Beverley Innovation Fellowship Programme.

Research leaders

Through our ‘top performers’ scheme, we recruit academics who excel in their field, are recognised for their first-rate research reputation and lead research groups or institutes.

These research leaders share our commitment to solving global problems and are instrumental in growing key research areas. In addition, they often chair prestigious committees, research council panels or editorial boards and provide professional guidance by being trustees or members of external bodies.

Our research leaders include Professor Helen Gleeson, Head of Physics.

Vibrant PhD community

Leeds Doctoral College creates a real sense of community and shared endeavour among our 3,000 postgraduate researchers. It brings together support and opportunities to enhance the postgraduate experience at Leeds. 

At a local level, we have graduate schools within our faculties; they provide training and host conferences, seminars and social events for research students.