Postgraduate Research Bench Fee Policy

Some research degrees include a bench fee - an additional fee which is unique to each research project.

This fee is agreed by the school (and supervisor) in advance and included in the offer letter sent to postgraduate researchers (PGRs) before they accept their place.

Why are bench fees needed?

Some research degrees include a bench fee, which is an additional fee to the tuition fee. A bench fee is requested when the PGR’s research project incurs extra costs and represents the amount of money a postgraduate researcher, or sponsor, will be expected to pay towards these costs. Bench fees can also be charged to PGR Research Visitors. Bench fees are:   

  1. charged as an additional cost to the annual academic tuition fee (irrespective of whether the PGR pays a home or international fee rate)
  2. seen as directly relevant and a necessary additional requirement for the PGR to undertake the defined research project 
  3. set by the School and determined in advance
  4. applied to an individual candidature
  5. included on the offer letter following a clear recommendation from the School to PGR Admissions  on the cost of any bench fee for the programme  and therefore brought to the attention of the applicant, and, where relevant, to the PGR’s sponsor. 

Principles we follow for applying a bench fee

  1. whilst all research degrees have a tuition fee, not all have a bench fee  
  2. the bench fee covers additional costs which are not covered as part of the tuition fee and is therefore applied to a specific research project 
  3. the bench fee will be directly relevant to the research project  
  4. the bench fee will be set by the School and determined in advance 
  5. the bench fee will be included in the Offer Letter 
  6. a bench fee is payable annually  
  7. whilst bench fees are applicable within the standard period of study, they are not normally payable in the overtime year as all research should be completed by this stage of the candidature 
  8. if a PGR withdraws from their research degree, any part of the fee they have not spent will be refunded, unless there is an agreement from a sponsor for this to be carried forward towards the funding for a new PGR. 

What does a bench fee pay for?

The bench fee supports the financial cost of:  

  • consumables and materials
  • equipment purchases
  • equipment hire 
  • access to specific technical equipment, facilities, resources or support not available within the University
  • specialist statistical packages 
  • travel to specialist resources required for the research project
  • specialist training whilst undertaking the research project
  • may cover the costs to cover attendance at UK / international conferences.  

What does the tuition fee pay for?

  • academic supervision  
  • access to the Library and on-line resources both off and on campus 
  • access to student support facilities and university facilities 
  • on campus and remote access to IT provision  
  • training and professional development courses from OD&PL, IT, Library and the Language Centre.  

Revision of bench fee post offer

Exceptionally, the University and a PGR’s sponsor may mutually agree to a revision and increase of the bench fees from those agreed at the outset of a project. Such changes are expected to be exceptional and unforeseen, and require written agreement of both the sponsor and the Head of School, and approval of an exceptional case by the PGR Pricing Group. The PGR must also be consulted and consent to the change to the bench fee arrangements.

Policy Approved at Graduate Board: June 2020 

Group: PGR Pricing Group

Updated July 2024: to include the position on increases to bench fees from those agreed at the outset.