World changers; celebrating impactful research Introduction. I’m delighted to bring you the second edition of ‘World Changers; Celebrating Impactful Research’ – an essay collection that celebrates the transformative research taking place at the University of Leeds. Written by some of our...
Residences Accommodation University links. For staff. For students. Faculties. Other. Follow us. Close quicklinks. Search. Destination. Accommodation site. All sites. Search. Close. Our residences. Somewhere for everyone. Type of resident. All. Undergraduate....
Graduation 2023 The friends you’ve made for life, the classes, the memories. This is your time, your celebration. Leeds will always be part of your story, and we’re proud that you’re part of ours. Welcome to the Leeds alumni community. You are part of the...
The Turbidites Research Group Contact Us. The Turbidites Research Group (TRG) web site is run and maintained by the School of Earth and Environment at the University of Leeds in the UK. To contact the TRG group with general enquiries please use the feedback form below. Name....
Examples of paragraphs in academic writing Back to note making Back to menu. Library. Writing. Paragraphs in academic writing. Examples of paragraphs in academic writing. Each of the following paragraphs have notes that explain how they work and what you can learn from them. The examples are...
Open days and visits University of Leeds Get a feel for campus and student life at Leeds at an open day or event. Our beautiful single-site campus is just a short walk from Leeds city centre....
Home - Institute of Process Research and Development Home - Institute of Process Research and Development University links. University links. For staff. For students. Faculties. Other. Follow us. Close quicklinks. Search. Destination. Institute of Process Research and Development site. All University of Leeds content. Institute of Process Research and...
Links Sorby Environmental Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (SEFDL). NERC recognised facility at the Earth & Environment Building (University of Leeds). Geosolutions Leeds fosters and promotes multidisciplinary energy-related research and training at the...
Pedagogic Research in the Arts Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures PRIA supports the development of high quality scholarship in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures...
Pay Advice Slip Your unique payroll number that tells us who you are.. This tells payroll what day you will get paid.. Your yearly salary before any deductions.. This is how much you get per hour if you are paid by timesheet.. The last date up to which this pay...
Reporter For Staff Search. Search. For Staff. Staff A-Z. Search. Reporter. ISSUE 611 June 2019. In this issue:. Poet Laureate ‘honour’. Nexus and CBI report. New alliances with Europe. The Reporter is the University's staff newsletter and is produc...
KonSULT Privacy statement Unfortunately, as a result of the restrictions arising from the CoviD-19 pandemic, it is not currently possible to update the KonSULT website. It is being maintained as a teaching resource and for practitioners wishing to use its Measure and Package...
School of Mechanical Engineering University of Leeds Globally renowned for our teaching and research, we are one of the leading mechanical engineering schools in the UK....