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Leeds Alumni Book Club

University of Leeds

Join the Leeds Alumni Book Club. It’s the perfect way for you to talk about books with fellow alumni around the world. ...


The Core Chemical Engineering Award recognises projects or processes that best demonstrate a chemical engineering solution to improve resource efficiency, lifetime value and/or process optimisation.  The award was presented by Anthony Fairhu...

Theatre at Leeds Facilities

Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures

Explore our 360 views of our extensive theatre spaces on campus at the University of Leeds....

Business Economics

Business Economics BSc

This course explores how economic theory is applied to develop an understanding of the economic environment within which businesses operate, and will prepare you for a variety of stimulating careers....

Charity Archives - Facilities Directorate

Charity Archives - Facilities Directorate

You are here: Home1 / Charity. 31st January 2020. /by fdirec. Voting will open on Monday 10 February and closes on 24 April 2020 and the chosen charity will be in place from 1 May 2020 till 30 April 2021. I would like to nominate the Homeless Strret...

Help to Grow: Management course

Leeds University Business School

The government-backed Help to Grow: Management course is aimed at senior leaders in small businesses. It includes in depth training, business mentoring, and the opportunity to grow your business, fast....

Contact us

University of Leeds

If you have questions about studying at Leeds, or for help with courses, applications, scholarships and more, here’s how to get in touch with us....

Dental Public Health MSc

University of Leeds

This MSc programme is an ideal next step for dental professionals wanting to develop equitable and fair oral health services....

Deli - Great Food at Leeds

Deli - Great Food at Leeds

You are here: Home1 / Our Cafés2 / Protected: Caffettino3 / Deli. Pages. Categories. Archive. About Us. Great Food at Leeds is the name for Catering services at the University of Leeds. Providing customers with quality fresh food at competitive...

Medical Imaging

Medical Imaging PGDip

Programme on the technical aspects of medical imaging techniques and their clinical usage. Study PGDip full time....

Central Village


University links. For staff. For students. Faculties. Other. Follow us. Close quicklinks. Search. Destination. Accommodation site. All sites. Search. Close. Central Village. A short walk from the city and The Edge sports facility....


School of Healthcare

Want to take your studies further? Find out how you can continue your education and career development with our MA courses....

Chloe Boomer - Sport & Physical Activity

Chloe Boomer - Sport & Physical Activity

Course: Sport and Exercise Sciences. Who were your role models in sport/fitness growing up and who inspires you now? “Growing up I think Kelly Holmes probably inspired me most, I watched her race at the 2004 Olympics where she came away with two...